EcommerceHealth BeautyPrestashop

Leo Milk v1.6.1.19 - Prestashop Theme

Leo Milk Prestashop Theme (item ID: 8302487) is an item from in category ecommerce. This is a premium item and their price is $70 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author leo-theme sold about 136 items from the release date 2014-07-23. Leo Milk Prestashop Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 10 user(s) rated it with 4.8 stars. Now, you can free download Leo Milk Prestashop Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.

Milk store is really nice , smart and responsive template with totally reworked layout and huge amount of visual effects and custom features. Milk store is a modern responsive Prestashop theme which is suitable for any e-commerce sites about milk’s product. It was designed for milk site but can easily modified to adapt to other fields. This template is fully functioned and provides an unlimited style variation. Its design is perfect for Milk Store, Fruits Store, Cake Store, Tea Shop, Vegetable Store, Drink Shop …..

If you like my theme please rate it. Thanks for purchasing the theme.

Template Features

Support Version
  • This Template compatible with Prestashop 1.6.x
Support Responsive Design
  • This Template is designed for desktop, all tablet and mobile devices
3 Theme Skin Color By Default
  • Colors Themes support (Default, Green, Blue,..)
  • Template support for Jquery Effects, css 3. Multiples modules suffix’s build-in template for module styling.
Powerful Leo Framework
  • Impressive built-in content style.
  • Supports multiple layout options, configured within from back-office.
  • Easy to add custom html module, special, new, home feature via Leo Manage Widget Module
  • Easy change color, template width via the Leo Theme Control Panel Module.
Support Multiple Language
  • Support for native language file translation.
  • We translate template to 10 languages.
Browser Compatible
  • Fully compatible IE8+, Firefox 2+, Firefox 3, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5, Chrome.

Support Ways

If you have any question please contact me via contact form on themeforest profile page.

  • Theme Guide
  • Ticket Support
  • Email Support
  • Framework Feature
  • Video Leo Framework

Change log:




 ****** File tpl **** - shopping-cart-advanced.tpl - discount.tpl - \modules\loyalty\views\templates\front\loyalty.tpl - \modules\blockwishlist\blockwishlist-extra.tpl - \modules\blockwishlist\blockwishlist_button.tpl - \modules\blockwishlist\blockwishlist.tpl - \modules\blockwishlist\views\templates\front\view.tpl - \modules\blockwishlist\views\templates\front\mywishlist.tpl - \modules\blockwishlist\views\templates\front\managewishlist.tpl 


 ****** File tpl **** - sub/product_info/default.tpl - sub/product_info/tab.tpl ***** File JS ***** - /js/product.js 


 ****** File tpl **** - category.tpl - global.tpl - header.tpl - footer.tpl - order-payment-classic.tpl - pagination.tpl - product.tpl - shopping-cart.tpl - shopping-cart-advanced.tpl - shopping-cart-product-line.tpl - supplier-list.tpl - product-item.tpl - \modules\blockcms\blockcms.tpl - \modules\blocklanguages\blocklanguages.tpl - \modules\blocksocial\blocksocial.tpl - \modules\productcomments\products-comparison.tpl - \modules\loyalty\views\templates\hook\product.tpl ***** File JS ***** - js/modules/blockcart/ajax-cart.js - js/modules/blocklayered/blocklayered.js - js/modules/blocktopmenu/js/blocktopmenu.js - js/modules/loyalty/js/loyalty.js - js/tools/statesManagement.js - js/global.js - js/product.js - js/stores.js *** File CSS *** - global.css - delete font-awesome.min.css *** Fonts *** - Update folder fonts to get the latest font 




 (+) Add new 


 [Modified] .tpl file (#) /leo_milkstores/authentication.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/breadcrumb.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/category.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/contact-form.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/footer.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/global.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/header.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/identity.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/manufacturer-list.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/order-address.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/order-address-multishipping.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/order-carrier.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/order-detail.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/order-opc-new-account.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/order-payment.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/order-steps.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/pagination.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/product.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/search.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/shopping-cart.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/shopping-cart-product-line.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/supplier-list.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/modules/blockcart/blockcart.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/modules/blockcategories/category-tree-branch.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/modules/blocklayered/blocklayered.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/modules/blocksearch/blocksearch.tpl (#) /leo_milkstores/modules/blocksearch/blocksearch-top.tpl [Modified] .js file (#) /leo_milkstores/js/authentication.js (#) /leo_milkstores/js/cart-summary.js (#) /leo_milkstores/js/category.js (#) /leo_milkstores/js/global.js (#) /leo_milkstores/js/order-address.js (#) /leo_milkstores/js/order-opc.js (#) /leo_milkstores/js/product.js (#) /leo_milkstores/js/products-comparison.js (#) /leo_milkstores/js/modules/blockcart/ajax-cart.js (#) /leo_milkstores/js/modules/blocksearch/blocksearch.js 


 [Modified] (#) css\modules\blockcart\blockcart.css (#) css\modules\blockcategories\blockcategories.css (#) css\modules\blockcontact\blockcontact.css (#) css\modules\blocklayered\blocklayered.css (#) css\modules\blocklayered\blocklayered-15.css (#) css\modules\blockleoblogs\blockleoblogs.css (#) css\modules\blocknewsletter\blocknewsletter.css (#) css\modules\blocksearch\blocksearch.css (#) css\modules\blocktopmenu\css\blocktopmenu.css (#) css\modules\blocktopmenu\css\superfish-modified.css (#) css\modules\blockuserinfo\blockuserinfo.css (#) css\modules\blockwishlist\blockwishlist.css (#) css\modules\carriercompare\style.css (#) css\modules\favoriteproducts\favoriteproducts.css (#) css\modules\homeslider\homeslider.css (#) css\modules\leoblog\assets\leoblog.css (#) css\modules\leocustomajax\leocustomajax.css (#) css\modules\leomanagewidgets\assets\styles.css (#) css\modules\leomenusidebar\leomenusidebar.css (#) css\modules\leosliderlayer\css\typo.css (#) css\modules\mailalerts\mailalerts.css (#) css\modules\productcomments\productcomments.css (#) css\modules\productscategory\css\productscategory.css (#) css\skins\cyan\skin.css (#) css\skins\salmon\skin.css (#) css\skins\yellow\skin.css (#) css\addresses.css (#) css\authentication.css (#) css\cms.css (#) css\comparator.css (#) css\contact-form.css (#) css\font.css (#) css\font-awesome.min.css (#) css\global.css (#) css\history.css (#) css\maintenance.css (#) css\my-account.css (#) css\non-responsive.css (#) css\order-opc.css (#) css\paneltool.css (#) css\print.css (#) css\product.css (#) css\product_list.css (#) css\responsive.css (#) css\rtl.css (#) css\scenes.css (#) css\sitemap.css (#) css\stores.css (#) js\modules\blockcart\ajax-cart.js (#) js\modules\blocklayered\blocklayered.js (#) js\modules\blocksearch\blocksearch.js (#) js\modules\blockwishlist\js\ajax-wishlist.js (#) js\cart-summary.js (#) js\contact-form.js (#) js\global.js (#) js\order-address.js (#) js\product.js (#) layout\setting.tpl (#) modules\blockcart\blockcart.tpl (#) modules\blocklayered\blocklayered.tpl (#) modules\blockwishlist\blockwishlist-extra.tpl (#) sub\product\product-list-form.tpl (#) sub\product\sidebar-obj.tpl (#) sub\product_info\tab.tpl (#) authentication.tpl (#) category.tpl (#) contact-form.tpl (#) errors.tpl (#) header.tpl (#) identity.tpl (#) maintenance.tpl (#) order-carrier.tpl (#) order-detail.tpl (#) order-opc-new-account.tpl (#) order-payment.tpl (#) product.tpl (#) product-item.tpl (#) products-comparison.tpl (#) product-sort.tpl (#) shopping-cart.tpl (#) shopping-cart-product-line.tpl 

# Server Resource Title Uploaded at Download
1 T Leo Milk v1.6.1.19 - Prestashop Theme 19 October 2020

Notice: provide the latest version of Leo Milk Prestashop Theme. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy Leo Milk Prestashop Theme from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.


A website enthusiast who loves various themes and templates, enjoys exploring all sorts of new and interesting things on the internet. I may not be a professional, but I am still passionate about providing everyone with various free, trendy tools and sharing my own ideas. I hope you all like it here.

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