Beatrix - Modern Magazine WordPress Theme (item ID: 43388561) is an item from themeforest.net in category wordpress. Modern Magazine WordPress Theme This is a premium item and their price is $49 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author Gossip-Themes sold about 69 items from the release date 2023-02-07. Beatrix - Modern Magazine WordPress Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 2 user(s) rated it with 0 stars. Now, you can free download Beatrix - Modern Magazine WordPress Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
Highlighted Features
- Buy One Time & Get Free Updates Forever.
- WordPress 6.x Compatible
- WooCommerce Compatible
- Elementor: #1 Drag & Drop Editor & Live Editing WordPress Page Builder Used.
- Lightweight Options Panel by Codestar Framework
- Free Theme Installation – If you will face any problem during installation – we will help you and It’s FREE
- More Demo Pages + Features Coming.
Beatrix is a trendy & attractive Blog Magazine WordPress Theme. It is perfect for any kind of creative magazine, news, blog websites, online magazine site, personal blog, or any category like Lifestyle, Fashion, Tech, Soccer, Fashion, Politics, Videos, Travel, Style, Beauty, Health, Yoga sites, etc. It includes everything you needed for a News/Magazine.
To ensure that it meets your business requirements, we have tested our WordPress Theme to make sure it adapts itself to any device on which your users are viewing it, whether it be a laptop, mobile, or tablet. It has not only a clean, modern, user-friendly, fast-loading design but also a customizable, flexible, and functional Option Panel to increase your conversion rates, leads, and user engagement automatically.
Beatrix is flexible enough to meet a variety of needs with unlimited fonts & colors available at a click of a button. It has been created and developed with awesome typography and a focus on readability to provide your visitors with a quality user experience.
Beatrix WordPress Theme Overview
At present online blogging is the top most hyped easy career. Your path will be easier with a perfect website. This clean, responsive and powerful trendy design puts you in control and really makes a splash!
The stunningly designed Beatrix WordPress Theme is all about presenting your content in the most effective ways. To publish your web content perfectly and attract visitors, UI & UX is the most important factor which engaged all visitors in a smart way. Beatrix is such a theme for keeping users immersed in your content through smart design in a proper way!
Clean & Modern UX – More Fast & More Powerful
Publishing digital content in a smarter way is the key to achieving success in building a media empire. You can make users stick with you when they spread your news content everywhere after getting a good user experience. Beatrix packed up with Ajax load more features for homepage blocks, category pages, and post details page autoload post scrolling that makes a big difference. It means users can load more posts from your homepage or blog without having to refresh the page which is a smart user experience.
Powerful & Easy to Use Theme Customizer
You are going to LOVE this Lightweight & Minimal Theme Customizer panel in Beatrix. So comprehensive yet simple to use you maintain full control over your design choices within a simple WordPress environment while making sophisticated changes with the ease of a click. Styling, Typography, Category Layouts, Sidebars and much more is all available to tinker with from the power of the Theme Options Panel.
One Click Demo Import
With over 2 fresh demo home page builds ready to roll out, and always more being developed, Beatrix has a fully featured and clean web design ready for you. You don’t need any knowledge of CSS or HTML to get the most out of this powerful magazine WordPress theme – simply get started by importing all of the theme demos and data in a single click.
The Smart Sticky Navigation
Increase mobile users’ viewport by displaying the main navigation only when they scroll up. Or force the menu to stay sticky all the time. Or disable the feature completely, it’s now completely up to you! Enable either of the three options in theme settings with a single click.
Best Features Ever
Beatrix comes with multiple options for editing each element & theme option that helps you to change any section of your site without touching any code. You will be amazed at the choices we are providing in this theme. We’re also updating this theme regularly which is the best deal ever for any theme.
Theme Features
- Clean and Modern Design
- One-Click Demo Content Import in just a minute
- Supercharged Elementor Page Builder for amazing pages with our unique magic.
- Child Theme Included
- Cross-browser Compatible: Edge, Chrome, Safari, Firefox.
- Home Page Variations
- Smart Sticky Header to show header bar of your choice, with scroll top intent detection.
- Different Category and Post Layout Variations
- Custom Elementor News Blocks
- Multi Language (WPML) support
- Fully Responsive Theme
- FontAwesome, Icofont Icons, Remix Icons
- Mailchimp Form
- HTML5 Validated
- No CSS/HTML knowledge required!
- Custom Colors and Typography
- Social Counter
- Related posts feature
- Breadcrumb Navigation
- Post Reading Time Calculation
- Breadcrumb Navigation
- Google Web Fonts
- Detailed Documentation
- Easy to customize and user friendly
- Retina Ready (HD): All the theme graphics scale beautifully on hi-res screens.
- Professional and Friendly Support
- Lifetime and Regular Updates
Version 1.1.2 – 02 August, 2023
- Fixed: Elementor Latest Version upgrade. The typography scheme error issue solved - Fixed: One click demo import smoothly - Minor CSS design updated - Fixed Some Bugs
Version 1.1.1 – 30 March 2022
- RTL feature added - Fixed: Elementor Latest Version 3.10.0 error issues resolved
# | Server | Resource Title | Uploaded at | Download |
1 | T | Beatrix - Modern Magazine WordPress Theme - 3 August 2023 | 05 August 2023 |
1.Pehit.com provide the latest version of Beatrix - Modern Magazine WordPress Theme. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy Beatrix - Modern Magazine WordPress Theme from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.