Eeza - Job Board & Hiring + Admin Dashboard Bootstrap 5 Template (item ID: 33529496) is an item from in category site-templates. This is a premium item and their price is $35 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author EnvyTheme sold about 34 items from the release date 2021-08-25. Eeza - Job Board & Hiring + Admin Dashboard Bootstrap 5 Template enjoys sound reputation, so 0 user(s) rated it with 0 stars. Now, you can free download Eeza - Job Board & Hiring + Admin Dashboard Bootstrap 5 Template in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
One-time purchase and get lifetime access!
Dark & Light Mode
Built on Bootstrap 5.3.3 & Sass
3 Demos, RTL Versions Included for Arabic & Hebrew Languages
Regular Updates, Top Quality Support from the Author
Eeza is a Modern Clean HTML template for Job Board, Online Hiring, Employment Directory, and Job Portal website. It is built on Bootstrap 5 and Sass. The template is W3 valid and contains a Retina Ready user-centric design layout. Eeza is premium and fully compatible with all mobile, tablet, notebook, and desktop devices.
Eeza has a Dashboard included for Employers & Job Seekers. Also, the template has RTL feature included, so using for Arabic and Hebrew language-based websites would be quicker and easier.
The template contains easy-to-read and easy-to-understand source code written following good programming practices. It is also easily customizable, and the detailed documentation will help you customize it.
Main Features:
- 58+ Pages Available. Click to View Demo
- RTL Version Included for Arabic and Hebrew Language
- Dark & Light Mode Available
- Built with Bootstrap 5.3.3 & Sass
- Employers & Job Seekers Dashboard Included
- Responsive in Any Device
- MailChimp Subscription
- Retina Ready
- Creative Layout
- Fast, Lightweight & Powerful
- Smooth Transition Effects
- Integrated with FontAwesome & Flaticon
- Awesome Customized Slider
- W3 Valid
- Well Commented Code
- Easily Customizable
- Detailed Documentation
24-Hour Turnaround Support:
- Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support
- We only provide support through our ticketing system. Please submit your ticket by visiting the EnvyTheme Support System.
- For any pre-purchase query, please use live chat on the item demo site, email, and the item’s comment section on ThemeForest. Thanks!
What do you get?
- Template source code
- Documentation
Important Note:
- Images and video are only for demo purposes and are not included in the download bundle. For original assets, a support ticket needs to be submitted.
Sources and Credits:
- Bootstrap
- Owl Carousel
- Animate CSS
- FontAwesome
- Sass
Updates History:
May 11, 2024: Eeza v1.3 ------------------------------------ - Updated: using Bootstrap v5.3.3 - Updated: using jQuery v3.7.1 - Updated: using RemixIcon v4.2.0 - Updated: using Selectize v0.15.2 - Updated: using Simplebar v6.0.0 - Updated: Documentation ------------------------------------ March 24, 2022: Eeza v1.2 ------------------------------------ - Added: Light & Dark Mode Version - Updated: with Animate CSS v4.1.1 - Updated: with Bootstrap v5.1.3 - Updated: Documentation ------------------------------------ September 02, 2021: Eeza v1.1 ------------------------------------ - Added: RTL Support for Arabic and Hebrew Languages - Updated: Documentation