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Edukon v1.0 - Education and LMS HTML Template

Edukon - Education and LMS HTML Template (item ID: 33077510) is an item from themeforest.net in category site-templates. This is a premium item and their price is $29 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author codexcoder sold about 32 items from the release date 2021-08-03. Edukon - Education and LMS HTML Template enjoys sound reputation, so 1 user(s) rated it with 0 stars. Now, you can free download Edukon - Education and LMS HTML Template in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.

Edukon – Education Template is a easy and current HTML5 , Bootstrap Education Template. It’s appropriate for any university, workshop, college, school, kindergarten, direction hub or any type of instructional institution. This template consists of 07 special homepage demo with 28+ html pages cautiously designed blocks, which might be smooth to edit and customise to suit your needs. Template is best answer for the create of particular instructional websites.

This is noticeably customizable – appears high-quality on pills and cell devices. We have blanketed exceptional exercise of net development – you could create incredible internet site format primarily based totally on Bootstrap or Grid 1170px.

Features At A Glance HTML5 & CSS3 & jQuery Modern And Creative Design Universal menu 100% Responsive Well documented Complete SASS files Bootstrap 5.x IcoFont Used SwiperSlider Used Google Font Used Google Map Eye Catching Design W3C Valid Code Notes Please note this item is static HTML5 template, It’s not a wordpress theme. Images are only for demo purpose, not included in download files.

Supports If you need help to use this template or need special customizing, please feel free to contact us. We are here to help you 24/7. If you have a moment, Please rate this item, I’ll appreciate it very much!….Thank you.

# Server Resource Title Uploaded at Download
1 T Edukon v1.0 - Education and LMS HTML Template 08 November 2021

1.Pehit.com provide the latest version of Edukon - Education and LMS HTML Template. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy Edukon - Education and LMS HTML Template from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.


A website enthusiast who loves various themes and templates, enjoys exploring all sorts of new and interesting things on the internet. I may not be a professional, but I am still passionate about providing everyone with various free, trendy tools and sharing my own ideas. I hope you all like it here.

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