Cms ThemesMoodle

Purity - Premium Moodle Theme

Purity - Premium Moodle Theme (item ID: 30984470) is an item from in category cms-themes. This is a premium item and their price is $99 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author joomfx sold about 333 items from the release date 2021-03-09. Purity - Premium Moodle Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 15 user(s) rated it with 4.47 stars. Now, you can free download Purity - Premium Moodle Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.

Purity v2 Released!

  • A completely new “Modern” layout.
  • Course Section layout options.
  • Course Index in “Classic” layout as well.
  • A brand new “Flat” swatch.
  • A brand new Course Progress Bar.
  • “Show Password” feature on the Login page.
  • Heavily improved the Section Activity Completion logic.
  • Various fixes and code optimizations.

Purity is fully compatible with Moodle 4!

Purity is an incredibly beautiful, modern and creative Moodle theme. It is nice, clean and perfectly coded theme that fits almost any kind of e-learning website with its multipurpose design. You can use Purity to power your University, College, Academy, School, Online Training Center, Course Hub, Paid Courses or any other Moodle-based website! Purity comes with many custom blocks that bring some unique features and make the website configuration a real pleasure! We also integrated the UIkit Framework in a very natural way which gives you amazing freedom and possibilities.

Purity is probably the most complete Moodle theme available on the Web!

Purity Features:

  • Demo Installation package included – 100% clone of our demo website;
  • Full Multilingual and RTL support;
  • Responsive Layout;
  • Unlimited Colors;
  • Unlimited Google Fonts;
  • Many block regions;
  • Awesome custom blocks;
  • Multiple Header Variations;
  • Super Powerful Theme Settings;
  • UIkit Framework 3;
  • Bootstrap 4;
  • Font Awesome;
  • Rich Typography;
  • Clean, trending and modern Design;
  • & so much more…


v2.1.5 (13.01.2025):

 - fix: navdrawer does not remember its open/close state - fix: implement privacy api - fix: undefined variable: $courseindex - fix: substr(): Argument #3 ($length) must be of type ?int, string given (course teacher block) 

v2.1.4 (30.08.2024):

 - fix: minor styling fixes and code optimizations 

v2.1.3 (26.05.2024):

 - fix: compatibility issue with moodle 4.4 

v2.1.2 (17.02.2024):

 - fix: broken layout on the custom reports page - fix: course activity styling adjustments for Moodle 4.3 - fix: section activity completion not working in Moodle 4.3 

v2.1.1 (13.10.2023):

 - fix: call to undefined function core_course_drawer() - fix: course index drawer incorrectly allocating space on non-course pages 

v2.1.0 (27.09.2023):

 - feat: implement flat swatch - feat: implement course index in "Classic" layout (moodle 4) 

v2.0.0 (12.09.2023):

 - feat: introduce "Modern" layout (moodle 4) - feat: re-introduce course section layout options (moodle 4) - feat: introduce course progress bar - feat: introduce "Show Password" feature on login page - fix: heavily improved the section activity completion logic - fix: various fixes and code optimizations 

v1.6.4 (19.08.2023):

 - fix: some icons do not load properly in moodle 4.2 - fix: manual enrolment adds the user in a non-current state - fix: QuickForm Error - the rule does not exist as a registered rule (course enrolment block) - fix: QuickForm Error - the rule does not exist as a registered rule (course intro block) - fix: QuickForm Error - the rule does not exist as a registered rule (course teacher block) - fix: missing setType for config_button_link (courses pro block) - fix: missing setType for config_button_link (cta block) - fix: missing setType for config_button_link (blogs pro block) - fix: Undefined variable $CFG (teachers pro block) - fix: Undefined variable $CFG (companies pro block) - fix: Undefined variable $CFG (testimonials pro block) - fix: remove unnecessary call to fullname function (course enrolment block) - fix: remove unnecessary call to fullname function (course intro block) - fix: remove unnecessary call to fullname function (course teacher block) - fix: call to a member function count() on null (blog entries) 

v1.6.3 (15.05.2023):

 - fix: undefined variable: $has_page_footer and $has_footer_bottom - fix: button target attribute not applied (slideshow block) - fix: the method action_menu::set_alignment() is deprecated 

v1.6.2 (05.02.2023):

 - fix: missing activity header in moodle 4 - fix: course section badges overlap with the section completion status icon in moodle 4 - fix: quiz navigation block missing - fix: arrow placement in the audio/video collapsible sections in moodle 4 - fix: course enrolled users not shown (getting an error instead) - moodle 4 - fix: attempt to assign property "..." on null, on php8 (blogs pro block) - fix: attempt to assign property "..." on null, on php8 (companies pro block) - fix: attempt to assign property "..." on null, on php8 (course enrolment block) - fix: attempt to assign property "..." on null, on php8 (course highlights block) - fix: attempt to assign property "..." on null, on php8 (course intro block) - fix: attempt to assign property "..." on null, on php8 (course teacher block) - fix: attempt to assign property "..." on null, on php8 (courses pro block) - fix: attempt to assign property "..." on null, on php8 (cta block) - fix: attempt to assign property "..." on null, on php8 (custom html block) - fix: attempt to assign property "..." on null, on php8 (features block) - fix: attempt to assign property "..." on null, on php8 (slideshow block) - fix: attempt to assign property "..." on null, on php8 (tabs block) - fix: attempt to assign property "..." on null, on php8 (teachers pro block) - fix: attempt to assign property "..." on null, on php8 (testimonials pro block) 

v1.6.1 (16.11.2022):

 - fix: compatibility issue with moodle 4.0.5 - fix: minor edit_switch warning 

v1.6.0 (21.10.2022):

 - fix: a couple of minor styling inconsistencies in Moodle 4 - chore: minor code optimizations and speed improvements. 

v1.5.0 (23.06.2022):

 - feat: add moodle4 compatibility - fix: undefined property: stdClass::$username - fix: undefined variable: course_category_style# in course intro block - fix: undefined property: stdClass::$url in the course teacher block - fix: undefined variable: item_css_class in the features block 

v1.4.0 (02.02.2022):

 - feat: implement course section completion status icon - fix: navdrawer cannot be closed on mobile because the toggle button is not visible - fix: courses teacher block breaks the site if there is no user image info provided - fix: custom html block strips some html tags - fix: wrong styling of the exit activity button on scorm package page - fix: various styling issues in moodle 3.11 

v1.3.1 (23.08.2021):

 - fix: table of contents block not shown on book page - fix: course intro block does not set height on vimeo videos - fix: content of a page resource inside a course has a wrong offset to the left - fix: quiz styling issue (user image is squeezed in results report table) 

v1.3.0 (14.05.2021):

 - feat: implement header style variations (style 1, 2 and 3) - feat: introduce new custom block (custom html) - fix: google font url setting not working - fix: adjust styling on question preview page (quiz) 

v1.2.1 (14.04.2021):

 - fix: footer content not translatable - fix: quiz styling issue (white text over white background) - fix: button target attribute not applied (features block) - fix: button target attribute not applied (cta block) - fix: button target attribute not applied (courses pro block) - fix: button target attribute not applied (blogs pro block) 

v1.2.0 (06.04.2021):

 - feat: implement language menu location setting - feat: implement multilingual support in the features block - feat: implement multilingual support in the blogs pro block - feat: implement multilingual support in the companies pro block - feat: implement multilingual support in the course enrolment block - feat: implement multilingual support in the course highlights block - feat: implement multilingual support in the course intro block - feat: implement multilingual support in the course teacher block - feat: implement multilingual support in the courses pro block - feat: implement multilingual support in the cta block - feat: implement multilingual support in the slideshow block - feat: implement multilingual support in the tabs block - feat: implement multilingual support in the teachers pro block - feat: implement multilingual support in the testimonials pro block - fix: rtl styling fixes and adjustments - fix: default course image not shown in course category view - fix: wrong login-text color in the header 

v1.1.0 (22.03.2021):

 - feat: implement course price in course category view - feat: implement course price in course enrolment block - feat: implement course price in courses pro block - fix: miscellaneous card not visible on user profile page - fix: uikit css does not load when theme designer mode is enabled - fix: show header logo option calling an undefined method - fix: move enrolment icons at the bottom of the course card body - fix: enrolment on payment styling adjustments - fix: enrol page design improvements - fix: slideshow images not responsive - fix: course enrolment block not visible for not logged in users - fix: courses pro block breaks the site if a course no longer exists - fix: courses pro block breaks the site if a course does not have a teacher configured - fix: course teacher block breaks the site if the selected teacher no longer exists - fix: courses enrolment block breaks the site if the course no longer exists 
# Server Resource Title Uploaded at Download
1 T Purity - Premium Moodle Theme 30 May 2023

Notice: provide the latest version of Purity - Premium Moodle Theme. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy Purity - Premium Moodle Theme from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.


A website enthusiast who loves various themes and templates, enjoys exploring all sorts of new and interesting things on the internet. I may not be a professional, but I am still passionate about providing everyone with various free, trendy tools and sharing my own ideas. I hope you all like it here.

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