Waveme - Music Platform WordPress Theme (item ID: 29428486) is an item from themeforest.net in category wordpress. A responsive music WordPress theme, Manage audio, album, genres, artist and sell the audio files to customer. This is a premium item and their price is $59 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author Flatfull sold about 604 items from the release date 2021-01-19. Waveme - Music Platform WordPress Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 53 user(s) rated it with 4.17 stars. Now, you can free download Waveme - Music Platform WordPress Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
Waveme is a music WordPress theme with many features to build a professional music web application, It aim for Music platform, Audio publisher, Sophisticated DJ application. The Audio Social Network for who love music.
Block editor page builder with Loop Block plugin to build any type of loop contents
Loop post, page, taxonomy and users and with custom template and many filters to sort your loop contents.
Play Block plugin build single, playlist and album music types on any posts
Create audio, radio, music entry is simple with Play Block plugin. With front-end upload form for user to upload their stations.
Front-end submission, User library with playlist, likes and followers & following
Upload media stream from front-end for user and grab the waveform data. manage playlist and album.
Light & Dark themes with landing pages and fully customizable features
Light and dark theme with primary color. drag and drop to configure the menus and many other features to customize the site.
Update v 4.1
Improve the loop/play block plugins ajax, move to REST API to improve the speed.
Fix embed iframe text color on dark mode
Fix search on admin
v 3.0
Improve Player, remove mute on ios.
Reconnect to live stream after pause/play
Add ajax on notification link
Improve duration field on upload form
Improve the menu style on mobile
v 2.3
Add range filter on loop block
Ajax to pull the notification and add new dot icon on new notification
Add upload download file on upload form
Add post list on user profile page
v 2.2
Add notification
Add support custom sql to loop block plugin
Improve the loop block filter
Improve the user profile
v 2.1
Add multi taxonomy filter on loop block
Improve the video on iOS, only one click to play
Add iosNative for iOS to play video on fullscreen
Update artwork on Azuracast
Merge actions from David
v 2.0
Improve the EDD
Improve the loop query
Add option to disable upload online stream
Add list on embed
Improve the video on small screen
Improve the duration input
Import hearthis and soundcloud waveform data
Add support to import youtube title/description/duration/artwork
Add support to play and update playing title from AzuraCast server
Merge filters and actions from David .
Add support to EDD
Add label on albom
Add login modal on download link
Improve the shortcode on wp_register_form wp_login_form and wp_lostpassword_form
Fix the login modal
Add embed on share modal
Add transition on content
Add find_in_set in loop block meta compare
Add duration on playlist/album
Add “Featured on” on single station
Add ads interval option
Add copyright on front-end upload form
Improve the comment form
Fix like on login page
Merge the security fixes from David .
Add Woocommerce support
Add no-ajax on menu-item
Add no-player on spec page
Resource Title
Uploaded at
The latest version of this WordPress item Waveme has been updated to 12.3 on 2025-01-08 20:58:52.
Waveme v9.3 - Music Platform WordPress Theme
09 June 2023
Waveme v8.0 - Music Platform WordPress Theme
14 August 2022
Waveme v6.2 - Music Platform WordPress Theme
01 January 2022
Waveme v6.0 - Music Platform WordPress Theme
21 November 2021
1.Pehit.com provide the latest version of Waveme - Music Platform WordPress Theme. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy Waveme - Music Platform WordPress Theme from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.
A website enthusiast who loves various themes and templates, enjoys exploring all sorts of new and interesting things on the internet. I may not be a professional, but I am still passionate about providing everyone with various free, trendy tools and sharing my own ideas. I hope you all like it here.