Agrikole | Responsive WordPress Theme for Agriculture & Farming (item ID: 25942937) is an item from themeforest.net in category wordpress. Agriculture Farm & Farmers WordPress Theme This is a premium item and their price is $49 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author ninzio sold about 598 items from the release date 2020-03-24. Agrikole | Responsive WordPress Theme for Agriculture & Farming enjoys sound reputation, so 55 user(s) rated it with 4.91 stars. Now, you can free download Agrikole | Responsive WordPress Theme for Agriculture & Farming in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
Agrikole – Responsive WordPress Theme for Agriculture & Farming
Agrikole Version 1.25 – View Changelog
Agrikole is Ultra Responsive and Retina Ready WordPress Theme suitable for all types of Farming, Agriculture, Organic Food and other websites. Theme is full of customization options and settings, you can change almost everything. We added a lot of design layouts and patterns to make theme ultra flexible and powerful.
Agrikole comes with 5+ unique homepages inside. Each homepage have it’s unique layout, slider and elements, so you will be able to create any type of website very fast. Theme also comes with Drag and Drop page builder and 70+ unique custom elements inside. One Click Demo Installer allows you to install full demo data in seconds. You can also find different layouts for blog, portfolio, gallery, shop and inner different type pages. Start building websites in minutes with Agrikole WordPress Theme.
Theme Key Features:
✔️ 5+ Unique Homepages Inside
We designed a lot of homepages and inner pages for you. So you can use one of them and get things ready much easier. You can also start from scratch, if you prefer.
✔️ WPBakery Page Builder with 70+ Custom Elements ( FREE )
Creating pages is really easy with Drag and Drop page builder – WPBakery. This premium plugin comes with theme for Free. We also created 70+ Custom Elements especially for this theme design and needs.
✔️ Revolution Slider Plugin Included ( FREE )
We can not imagine modern website without Sliders. Theme comes with ultra powerful slider building plugin – Revolution Slider Plugin. Plugin comes with theme for Free. Theme also include 10 different kind of sliders as a starting point for you.
✔️ One Click Demo Installation
Demo installation is so easy with Agrikole – just one click and full demo will be imported, including all homepages, inner pages, blog posts, products and other. Watch theme installation and demo import video. Goto video
✔️ WooCommerce Integrated
Online store is very important part of modern web. And of course theme comes with full WooCommerce integration and custom shop design. Create your shop easy and fast and start earning money online with Agrikole. To see shop layouts check theme demo.
✔️ Powerful Live Theme Option Panel
Theme includes very intuitive and easy to use option panel. And the key feature of Agrikole option panel is that it is created based on WordPress native customizer and it is working on real-time mode. So you can see live each change that you do in option panel and adjust it much more effective way.
✔️ Fully Translation Ready
All texts and elements in theme are translation ready, so you can use theme in any language that you need. You can translate everything that you can see, front-end and back end.
✔️ Multilingual WPML and Polylang plugins compatible
Theme is fully compatible with most popular premium multilingual plugins: WPML and Polylang. So you can have multiple languages for theme and switch between languages in your website.
✔️ One Page and Multiple Pages options
Theme comes with option to have one page layout and navigate from header menu between sections on single page. Use theme in multiple pages mode or in one page mode, all is possible.
✔️ Multiple Header Styles
Theme comes with multiple header styles, and each style have a lot of options for customization that header style. You can change almost everything in header: colors ,fonts, backgrounds, icons, buttons and much more. Headers also have sticky menu, mega menu options inside.
✔️ Mailchimp Subscribe Form Integrated
Subscribe form is very important for modern websites, it allows you to collect email for subscribe newsletters. We integrates Mailchimp subscribe form into theme, so you can use this powerful integration inside your website easily.
✔️ Contact Form 7 Plugin Integration
Theme comes with Contact from 7 plugin full integration and it’s own styling form all kind of forms. You can create any kind of forms in minutes, starting from simple contact forms and finishing difficult forms with a lot of fields inside. Get in touch with your clients with Agrikole theme.
✔️ Social Media Integration
We can not imagine modern website without social media integration. Agrikole have different kind of elements and widgets that allow to integrate social media. Example of widgets are: Instagram photos widget, Recent tweets widget, Facebook like widget, Flicker photos widget, Social links element and others.
✔️ Powerful Custom Post Types
Theme comes with standard WordPress post types, also we included different custom post types like Gallery, Portfolio, Team Members, Testimonials, Partners and others. Each post type have it’s own options for customize and all is very intuitive and flexible.
Full List of Features
- Multiple Unique Homepages Included
- Ultra Responsive and Retina Ready
- GDPR Compliant
- Powerful Front-End Admin Panel
- Flexible 1200 grid system
- Fully Customizable with Tons of Options
- WPBakery Page Builder Included ( FREE )
- 70+ Useful Elements
- Custom Widgets
- Revolution Slider Included ( FREE )
- WooCommerce Fully Compatible
- Multilingual WPML Plugin Compatible
- Multilingual Polylang Plugin Compatible
- Translation Ready
- Unlimited Colors and Fonts
- Unlimited Header Styling
- Sticky Header Option
- Mobile Header Customization
- Advanced Footer Customization
- Advanced Mega Menu
- Custom Google Fonts Included
- Font Awesome Icons Included
- Custom Icon Font
- Ready Demo Data Included
- Lots of Homepages and Inner Pages Inside
- One Click Demo Import
- Popular Plugins Compatible
- SEO Optimized and Valid Code
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Child Theme Included
- Contact Form 7 Included
- Page Header Customization
- One page and multi page options
- Video Backgrounds
- Smooth Parallax Effect
- Boxed and Wide Website Layouts
- Advanced Portfolio / Gallery Layouts
- Advanced Blog Layouts
- Advanced Shop Layouts
- Multiple Custom Post Types
- Custom CSS styles
- Google Maps Integrated
- Envato Market Plugin Support
- Advanced Sidebar Control
- Well Documented
- Lightbox Integrated
- Social Media Integration
- Mailchimp Integration
- Twitter Integration
- PSD files: send us request via email or via support website, and we will send you all PSD files
- Cross-Browser and Cross-Platform Compatibility
- Lifetime Updates
- Premium Support
- And So Much More!
You can also check theme online documentation, where you can find any answer to your question about theme installation, demo import, theme features overview, troubleshoots and other: Online DocumentationProfessional Support and Updates
Theme includes premium support and free lifetime updates directly from developers of the theme. Default regular license includes 6 months premium support. Support includes the following:- Answering during 24 hours in working days (monday-friday)
- Answering general theme questing
- Answering pre-sale questions about theme features
- Assistance with reported bugs and issues
- Help with small customization tasks
Important Note: The images used on the live preview are for demonstration purposes only. For permission to use these images, please see the licensing terms on each image or contact image authors for permission.Recent Changelog
Version - 1.25 - WordPress 6.7.x Fully Compatible - WooCommerce 9.4.x Updated - Revolution Slider 6.7.x Updated - WPBakery 8.0.x Updated - WPRT addons for Agrikole Plugin Updated - PHP 8 Support
# | Server | Resource Title | Uploaded at | Download |
1 | T | Agrikole v1.17 - Responsive WordPress Theme for Agriculture & Farming | 08 April 2023 | |
2 | T | Agrikole v1.15 - Responsive WordPress Theme for Agriculture & Farming | 05 November 2022 | |
3 | T | Agrikole v1.14 - Responsive WordPress Theme for Agriculture & Farming | 15 August 2022 | |
4 | T | Agrikole v1.12 - Responsive WordPress Theme for Agriculture & Farming | 29 May 2022 | |
5 | T | Agrikole v1.10 - Responsive WordPress Theme for Agriculture & Farming | 18 November 2021 | |
6 | T | Agrikole v1.9 - Responsive WordPress Theme for Agriculture & Farming | 22 August 2021 | |
7 | T | Agrikole v1.7 - Responsive WordPress Theme for Agriculture & Farming | 22 March 2021 | |
8 | T | Agrikole v1.6 - Responsive WordPress Theme for Agriculture & Farming | 06 January 2021 | |
9 | T | Agrikole v1.4 - Responsive WordPress Theme for Agriculture & Farming | 29 September 2020 | |
10 | T | Agrikole v1.1 - Responsive WordPress Theme for Agriculture & Farming | 26 May 2020 |
1.Pehit.com provide the latest version of Agrikole | Responsive WordPress Theme for Agriculture & Farming. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy Agrikole | Responsive WordPress Theme for Agriculture & Farming from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.