Hundred & Three — Responsive Multipurpose WordPress Theme (item ID: 24209957) is an item from in category wordpress. HundredThree Multipurpose WordPress Theme for Creative, Business or eCommerce websites. It is Visual Composer and WPML compatible and offer great user experience. Fully responsive and available for all screen sizes. Theme focuses on displaying a high quality content and can be customized easily to suit your needs. This is a premium item and their price is $49 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author Aisconverse sold about 75 items from the release date 2019-09-06. Hundred & Three — Responsive Multipurpose WordPress Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 2 user(s) rated it with 0 stars. Now, you can free download Hundred & Three — Responsive Multipurpose WordPress Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
Hundred & Three — premium multipurpose WordPress theme that is a perfect solution for creating professional creative, corporate, personal, event, cafe, restaurant, blog, shop, eCommerce, product and portfolio websites. Hundred & Three WordPress Theme includes more than 20 homepage demos, looks modern and does not require any coding knowledge. It is fully responsive, tested on all major browsers and devices, and has tons of demo pages and features. Theme based on Basement WordPress Framework, WPBakery Page Builder, and Slider Revolution plugin. Build a website of your dreams!
Main Features
- WPBakery Page Builder support
- WooCommerce support
- Revolution Slider full integration
- The WordPress Multilingual Plugin (WPML) capabilities
- Contact Form 7
- Bootstrap integration
- Fresh and modern design
- Cross-browser compatibility
- Full responsive
- 12-columns grid system
- Demo content XML import
- Demo content database import
- Layout structure control
- Fully customizable content layouts
- Customizable main layout
- Customizable headers
- Customizable footer
- Customizable content area
- Customizable sidebar
- Modal Windows
- Great shortcodes collection
- Child theme ready
- Working contact forms with full validation
- MailChimp integration
- FontAwesome icons integration
- Aminated Icons
- Most popular icon font sets included. Almost 4,000 icons in total
- Google Map integration
- Google Fonts support
- Main Settings
- Header Settings
- Page Title Settings
- Sidebar Settings
- Footer Settings
- Widgets Ready
- Carousel Builder
- Galleries Builder
- Portfolio Builder
- Well organized source code
- Detailed documentation
- Professional support
- And much much more…
Make sure your hosting is running PHP version 5.4 or higher and MySQL 5.5 or higher. On lower versions, the theme can work only as a blog theme.
Demo images not included
- Entypo Icons
- Font Awesome
- Linecons
- Open Iconic
- Typicons
- Breadcrumb NavXT
- Slider Revolution
- Contact Form 7
- Contact Form 7 MailChimp Extension
- WPBakery Page Builder
- Bootstrap
- AfterResize
- HoverIntent
- jQuery Validation
- jQuery Uniform
- Superfish
- jQuery countTo Plugin
- jQuery jQuery throttle / debounce
- jQuery Transit
- jQuery carouFredSel
- Vivus
- ImagesLoaded
- Isotope
- MixItUp
- jQuery-viewport-checker
- Instafeed.js
- jQuery Flickr Feed Plugin
- Twitter Post Fetcher
- The Final Countdown
- Magnific Popup
- Chosen
- Codemirror
- Raty
Version 1.4 (November 14, 2019) --- Bugfix. Add WP 5.3 capability. Bugfix. Basement Framework colorpicker. Bugfix. Visual Composer learn map. Updated. Other small stuff. Version 1.3 (September 11, 2019) --- Bugfix. PageTitle params. Updated. Other small stuff Version 1.2 (September 09, 2019) --- Bugfix. Revolution Slider controls and bullets. Updated. Theme JS/CSS assets. Updated. Other small stuff. Version 1.1 (September 09, 2019) --- Bugfix. Revolution Slider Preview and Metaboxes params Updated. Other small stuff. Version 1.0 --- Initial Release