Tracian - Wine WordPress Theme (item ID: 23369112) is an item from themeforest.net in category wordpress. Vineyard, Winery & Wine WooCommerce shop This is a premium item and their price is $79 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author disgogo sold about 69 items from the release date 2019-03-27. Tracian - Wine WordPress Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 0 user(s) rated it with 0 stars. Now, you can free download Tracian - Wine WordPress Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
Beautifully crafted Wine WordPress theme best suitable for vineyard, winery and wine websites. The template is 1170px wide with a light setting in contrast with dark footer which makes the site’s ambiance more elegant and sophisticated. Features a multitude of business specific elements, large fonts and a spacious layout in order to help you gain focus on the website content.
Take your time and see bellow some of the theme characteristics
Ecommerce features
The shop is powered by the most popular and powerfull ecommerce plugin available – WooCommerce. A very flexible plugin which gives you the possibility to sell anything, from digital downloads to women shoes. You can find a detailed description of its capabilities here. Some of the features this theme has to offer are:- Full width and sidebar layout for the shop and product page
- Header minicart
- Catalog mode (turns the buying feature off and you can use the theme like a catalog)
- Possibility to show/hide: Product title, price, add to cart, category, description, product meta, tabs, upsells, cross sells, related products.
- Visual Composer elements for:
- Products filter (show products with category filter and masonry/carousel layout)
- Recent products
- Featured products
- Products (show multiple products by sku or id)
- Product categories
- Sale products
- Best selling products
- Top rated products
- Recent products
- 15 widgets available
- Best Sellers
- Cart
- Featured Products
- Layered Nav
- Login
- On-sale
- Price filter
- Product Categories
- Product Search
- Product Tags
- Random Products
- Recently Viewed Products
- Recent Products
- Recent Reviews
- Top Rated Products
- Detailed sales, customer and stock reports.
- Robust tax settings (multiple tax rates for different regions and tax rules for countries)
- Comprehensive shipping settings (define shipping costs per product, or a flat rate or free shipping.)
- User secure account section
- Intuitive order management suite
- Grouped products, product variations and a spiffy import & export tool for products
- Inventory management tools
- Coupon management system
- Wide variety of popular payment gateways
General Features
- Minimalist design
- 5 different header styles
- Blog template;/li>
- Page options – you have the possibility to:
- Set the page layout (full width or left/right sidebar)
- Enable/disable the page header
- Set a page description (with left/right/center alignment)
- Set a page slideshow (Revolution slider)
- Newsletter widget (with the help of MailChimp for WordPress)
- Unlimited Colors (Customize fonts, colors, backgrounds)
- Typography control (System fonts and Google fonts)
- Visual Composer page builder
- HTML (Valid) & CSS3 animations
- Built with Bootstrap
- Responsive design (Mobile, Tablet and Desktops supported)
- SEO Optimized
- Extensive theme options
- Custom widgets
- Translation Ready with a .pot file or WPML
- Multi level dropdown menu
- Cross browser compatible
- Psd files included
- Child theme support
- Extensive documentation
- Demo content available (one click import)
- Import/export feature to backup your theme settings.
- Threaded Comments
Note: Images are not available in the download folder
Copyrights & Big Thanks
Images- unsplash.com
- Body font: Arapey
- Headings font: Old Standard TT
- Font Awesome
Version 1.7 (27.09.2024) ------------------ * Update: ACF plugin to latest version (6.3.6) * Update: Revolution Slider to latest version (6.7.19) * Update: WPBakery Visual Composer plugin to latest version (7.9) * Update: OKThemes Tracian Shortcodes plugin (1.7) * Update: OKThemes Tracian Social Share plugin (1.1) * Added: PHP 8.X.X compatibility * Fixed: Other minor code issues Version 1.6 (22.11.2022) ------------------ * Update: ACF plugin to latest version (6.0.5) * Update: Revolution Slider to latest version (6.6.7) * Update: WPBakery Visual Composer plugin to latest version (6.10.0) Version 1.5 (14.05.2020) ------------------ * Update: ACF plugin to latest version (5.8.11) * Update: Revolution Slider to latest version (6.2.6) * Update: WPBakery Visual Composer plugin to latest version (6.2.0) * Added: Child theme Version 1.4 (20.11.2019) ------------------ * Update: ACF plugin to latest version (5.8.7) * Update: Revolution Slider to latest version (6.1.5) * Fixed: Waypoints js error due to latest ver of Visual Composer Version 1.3 (06.09.2019) ------------------ * Update: OKThemes Farmhouse Shortcodes plugin to latest version (1.3) * Update: ACF plugin to latest version (5.8.4) * Update: WPBakery Visual Composer plugin to latest version (6.0.5) * Update: Revolution Slider to latest version (6.1.1) * Update: Replaced Instagram class with Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed plugin Version 1.2 (11.06.2019) ------------------ * Fixed - Header style 4 submenu Version 1.1 (24.05.2019) ------------------ * Fixed - Header style 4 * Fixed - Blockquote alignments Version 1.0 ------------------ * Initial release
# | Server | Resource Title | Uploaded at | Download |
1 | T | Tracian v1.6 - Wine WordPress Theme | 23 November 2022 | |
2 | T | Tracian v1.4 - Wine WordPress Theme | 29 January 2020 | |
3 | T | Tracian v1.3 - Wine WordPress Theme | 30 September 2019 |
1.Pehit.com provide the latest version of Tracian - Wine WordPress Theme. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy Tracian - Wine WordPress Theme from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.