Niva - Creative Agency WordPress Theme (item ID: 22732180) is an item from themeforest.net in category wordpress. WordPress Theme for Creative Agencies and Freelancers This is a premium item and their price is $39 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author Sweet-Themes sold about 1203 items from the release date 2018-11-13. Niva - Creative Agency WordPress Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 41 user(s) rated it with 4.68 stars. Now, you can free download Niva - Creative Agency WordPress Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
Suggest a feature at [email protected]!
This theme has maximum score on Google Page Speed. Please check here
Built for Speed
Fastest WordPress Theme. Loads under 1 second. Niva is one of the fastest WordPress Themes out there. With additional optimization plugins like WP Rocket, you can get a load time under 1 second.This theme has maximum score on Pingdom Website Speed Test. Please check here
Permanently updated, with 24/7 reliable support and amazing features:
- WPBakery Page Builder – SAVE $33
- Slider Revolution – SAVE $18
- Redux Framework Theme-Options Panel
- General Settings
- Unlimited Sidebars
- Styling Settings
- Header Settings
- Footer Settings
- Contact Settings
- Blog Settings
- Shop Settings
- 404 Page Settings
- Social Media Settings
- SEO Settings (Google Analytics built-in)
- MailChimp Newsletter
- Demo Data Importer
- Multiple header variants
- One-click importer
- 600+ Google Fonts
- Font Icons instead of images
- Well documented
- PHP-Ajax Contact Form
- Various Custom Widgets and much more
- Multiple Colors & Skins Throughout
- Eye-catching CSS Animations
- Compatible with: Contact form 7
- Permanent updates
- Excellent Typography
- Optimized for high speed
- Fast and easy to use
Change LOG
=== Released v2.0.1 – 24-OCT-2022 ===[UPDATED]- High score in Google PageSpeed Insights; [UPDATED]- Demo Importer; [UPDATED] - More options in Theme Panel; [UPDATED] - All bundled plugins are now updated to the latest version;=== Released v1.7.9 – 16-APRIL-2022 ===
[UPDATED]- Demo Importer; [UPDATED] - More options in Theme Panel; [UPDATED] - All bundled plugins are now updated to the latest version;=== Released v1.7.7 – 6-APRIL-2021 ===
[UPDATED]- Demo Importer; [UPDATED] - More options in Theme Panel; [UPDATED] - All bundled plugins are now updated to the latest version;=== Released v1.7.6 – 6-JAN-2021 ===
[UPDATED]- Demo Importer; [UPDATED] - More options in Theme Panel; [UPDATED] - All bundled plugins are now updated to the latest version;=== Released v1.7.5 – 4-DEC-2020 ===
[UPDATED]- Demo Importer; [UPDATED] - More options in Theme Panel; [UPDATED] - Speed optimization elements; [UPDATED] - All bundled plugins are now updated to the latest version;=== Released v1.7.4 – 30-OCT-2020 ===
[UPDATED]- Demo Importer; [UPDATED] - More options in Theme Panel; [UPDATED] - All bundled plugins are now updated to the latest version;=== Released v1.7.3 – 9-SEP-2020 ===
[NEW]- Homepage Studio; [NEW]- High score in Google PageSpeed Insights; [UPDATED]- Demo Importer; [UPDATED] - Upgraded Theme Panel; [UPDATED] - All bundled plugins are now updated to the latest version;=== Released v1.7.2 – 24-JUN-2020 ===
[UPDATED]- Demo Importer; [UPDATED] - Upgraded Theme Panel; [UPDATED] - All bundled plugins are now updated to the latest version;=== Released v1.7.1 – 21-MAR-2020 ===
[NEW]- Homepage Business; [NEW]- Homepage Consulting; [UPDATED]- Demo Importer; [UPDATED] - All bundled plugins are now updated to the latest version;=== Released v1.7 – 26-NOV-2019 ===
[NEW]- Homepage Dark; [UPDATED]- Demo Importer; [UPDATED] - All bundled plugins are now updated to the latest version; [UPDATED]- Sweet-Themes Framework plugin to v1.5.2;=== Released v1.6.1 – 19-SEP-2019 ===
[UPDATED]- Demo Importer; [UPDATED] - All bundled plugins are now updated to the latest version; [UPDATED]- Sweet-Themes Framework plugin to v1.5.1;=== Released v1.6 – 15-JUL-2019 ===
[NEW] - 2 Home Pages ( New Home One and New Creative Home ) [NEW] - Services Slider [NEW] - Jobs Slider [NEW] - Portfolio Slider 2 [NEW] - Clients Slider 2 [NEW] - Revolution slider demo [NEW] - Animation shortcode [NEW] - Shop shortcode [UPDATED] - All bundled plugins are now updated to the latest version; [UPDATED]- Sweet-Themes Framework plugin to v1.5;=== Released v1.5 – 17-MAR-2019 ===
[NEW] - Shop Pages [NEW] - Single Member Template [UPDATED] - Upgraded Theme Panel; [UPDATED] - All bundled plugins are now updated to the latest version; [UPDATED]- Sweet-Themes Framework plugin to v1.4;=== Released v1.4 – 19-FEB-2019 ===
[NEW] - Shop Pages [NEW] - Single Member Template [UPDATED] - The customizability from the breadcrumbs section; [UPDATED] - All bundled plugins are now updated to the latest version; [UPDATED]- Sweet-Themes Framework plugin to v1.3;=== Released v1.3 – 14-JAN-2019 ===
[NEW] - All bundled plugins are now updated to the latest version; [UPDATED]- Sweet-Themes Framework plugin to v1.2;=== Released v1.2.2 – 06-DEC-2018 ===
[NEW] - Home One Page; [NEW] - Pricing Tables Section; [NEW] - The WP Live Chat Support plugin has been added=== Released v1.1 – 15-NOV-2018 ===
[UPDATE] - Admin Panel;=== Released v1.0 – 13-NOV-2018 ===
[RELEASED] - v1.0;
Fonts Used: Poppins Google FontsImages: shutterstock.com – All rights reserved! (Images not included in the theme-package)
Icons: FontAwesome http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
Entire list of credits comes with the package of the theme
# | Server | Resource Title | Uploaded at | Download |
1 | T | Niva v1.7.7 - Creative Agency & Freelancer WordPress Theme | 15 April 2021 | |
2 | T | Niva v1.7.6 - Creative Agency & Freelancer WordPress Theme | 18 January 2021 | |
3 | T | Niva v1.2.2 - Creative Agency & Freelancer WordPress Theme | 21 August 2019 |
1.Pehit.com provide the latest version of Niva - Creative Agency WordPress Theme. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy Niva - Creative Agency WordPress Theme from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.