Airi - Minimal WooCommerce Theme (item ID: 22650892) is an item from themeforest.net in category wordpress. Airi - Clean, Minimal WooCommerce Theme This is a premium item and their price is $59 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author LA-Studio sold about 976 items from the release date 2018-10-03. Airi - Minimal WooCommerce Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 39 user(s) rated it with 4.72 stars. Now, you can free download Airi - Minimal WooCommerce Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
Latest version: 1.7.1
Compatible with WordPress 6.7.x, WooCommerce 9.5.x, WPBakery Page Builder 8.1.x
General Features
- Portfolio
- Testimonial
- Our Team
- Custom Block
Customization Options
Airi can be customized easily using LA Framework. It has a powerful theme options panel and WordPress customize. The theme also bundles custom tailored version of revolutionary Visual Composer which allows users to build various page layouts with minimum effort.
- Fully Customizable design and layout
- Visual Composer Drag-and-drop page builder bundled ( Save $25 )
- Lots of Custom Visual Composer Elements to work with
- Upload your Logo and Favicon
- Translation Ready
- WPML Compatible
- Integrated with Google Fonts
- Integrated with Font Awesome icons
WooCommerce Features
Airi is very nicely integrated with WooCommerce and provide lot of additional features.
- 03 Product Grid Layout
- 03 Product Masonry Layout
- Product List Layout
- 08 Product Details Layout
- Product Wishlist integration
- Product Comparison integration
- Visual Attributes integration
- Catalog Mode integration
- SEO Optimized
- Additional Widgets to filter by WooCommerce Attributes.
- Ajax Shop
- Product Image 360
- Custom Product Label
- WooCommerce Product Color Swatch
- WooCommerce Product Color Swatch Gallery Images
- WooCommerce Product Images Swatch
- WooCommerce Product Video Thumbnail
- Product List Color Attribute Filter
- Quick View Product
- Custom Product Filters
- VC Vendors, Dokan Compatible
------------ Version 1.7.1 [Jan 20, 2025] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 6.7.x * Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.5.x * Update WPBakery Page Builder 8.1 * Update Revolution Slider 6.7.25 ------------ Version 1.7.0 [August 10, 2024] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 6.6.x * Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.1.x * Update WPBakery Page Builder 7.8 * Update Revolution Slider 6.7.17 ------------ Version 1.6.2 [May 23, 2024] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 6.5.x * Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.8.x ------------ Version 1.6.1 [March 21, 2024] ------------ # Fixed post excerpt issue #3598463 * Compatibility with WordPress 6.4.x * Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.7.x * Compatibility with PHP 8.3 ------------ Version 1.6.0 [November 06, 2023] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 6.3.2 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.2.x * Compatibility with PHP 8.2 ------------ Version 1.5.0 [July 21, 2023] ------------ * Compatible with WordPress 6.3 * Compatible with WooCommerce 7.9.x ^ Update version of Slider Revolution ^ Update version of WPBakery Page Builder ------------ Version 1.4.0 [March 18, 2023] ------------ * Compatible with WordPress 6.2 * Compatible with WooCommerce 7.5 ------------ Version 1.3.0 [October 13, 2022] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 6.0.2 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.0.0 ------------ Version 1.2.4 [March 14, 2022] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.9.2 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.3.1 * Compatibility with PHP 8 ^ Update version 6.5.18 of Slider Revolution ^ Added PageSpeed plugin ------------ Version 1.2.3 [January 14, 2022] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.8.3 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.1.0 ^ Update version 6.5.14 of Slider Revolution ^ Update version 6.8.0 of WPBakery Page Builder ------------ Version 1.2.2 [July 16, 2021] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.7.2 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.5.1 ^ Update version 6.5.4 of Slider Revolution ^ Update version 6.7.0 of WPBakery Page Builder File changes airi/plugins/plugins.php ------------ Version 1.2.1 [April 14, 2021] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.7 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.2.0 ^ Update version 6.4.6 of Slider Revolution ^ Update version 6.6.0 of WPBakery Page Builder ------------ Version 1.2.0 [February 02, 2021] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.6 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.9.2 ^ Update version 6.3.6 of Slider Revolution ^ Update version 6.5.0 of WPBakery Page Builder File changes airi/plugins/plugins.php airi/assets/js/app.js airi/assets/js/min/app.js airi/assets/header-builder/header-builder.min.js airi/assets/header-builder/header-builder.js ------------ Version 1.1.9 [November 07, 2020] ------------ * Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.6.2 ^ Update version 6.2.23 of Slider Revolution ^ Update version 6.4.1 of WPBakery Page Builder File changes airi/assets/js/app.js ------------ Version 1.1.8 [August 20, 2020] ------------ * Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.4.1 ^ Update version 1.1.5 of LA-Studio Core ^ Update version 6.2.21 of Slider Revolution ------------ Version 1.1.7 [August 15, 2020] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.5 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.3.3 ^ Update version 1.1.4 of LA-Studio Core ^ Update version 1.1.4 of LA-Studio Header Builder # Tweak Instagram shortcode File changes airi/assets/js/app.js airi/assets/js/min/app.js airi/assets/header-builder/header-builder.js airi/assets/header-builder/header-builder.min.js airi/plugins/plugins.php airi/framework/functions/extra-functions.php airi/framework/configs/options/additional_code.php ------------ Version 1.1.6 [May 27, 2020] ------------ * Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.1.1 File changes airi/style.css airi/assets/js/min/app.js airi/assets/js/app.js airi/framework/classes/class-scripts.php ------------ Version 1.1.5 [May 12, 2020] ------------ # Fixed Admin Menu problem on WordPress 5.4.0 * Compatibility with WordPress 5.4.1 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.1.0 ^ Update version 6.2.6 of Slider Revolution ^ Update version 6.2.0 of WPBakery Page Builder ^ Update version 1.1.3 of LA-Studio Core ^ Improve performance for header builder File changes airi/wpml-config.xml airi/style.css airi/assets/css/header-builder.css airi/assets/css/header-builder.min.css airi/assets/js/plugins/min/css-vars-ponyfill.js airi/assets/js/plugins/css-vars-ponyfill.js airi/woocommerce/global/quantity-input.php airi/plugins/plugins.php airi/framework/functions/update.php airi/framework/configs/options/additional_code.php airi/framework/classes/class-scripts.php airi/framework/classes/class-layout.php airi/framework/classes/class-scripts.php airi/framework/classes/megamenu/class-megamenu-init.php airi/templates/headers/header-builder.php airi/templates/footers/footer-bottom.php ------------ Version 1.1.4 [Feb 20, 2020] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.3.2 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.9.2 ^ Update version 6.1.8 of Slider Revolution ^ Update version 1.1.2 of LA-Studio Core File changes airi/style.css airi/plugins/plugins.php airi/woocommerce/single-product/related.php ------------ Version 1.1.3 [November 18, 2019] ------------ # Fixed: WooCommerce Tab display incorrect on product page # Fixed: Product category description problem does not display when using ajax filter # Fixed: Product image problem display incorrect in the RTL language File changes airi/style.css airi/assets/js/min/app.js airi/assets/js/app.js airi/woocommerce/single-product/tabs/tabs.php airi/woocommerce/archive-product.php airi/framework/classes/class-scripts.php ------------ Version 1.1.2 [November 16, 2019] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.3 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.8.0 File changes airi/style.css airi/plugins/plugins.php airi/woocommerce/single-product/tabs/tabs.php ------------ Version 1.1.1 [August 14, 2019] ------------ ^ ADDED NEW HEADER BUILDER PLUGIN ^ UPDATE 06 MODERN DESIGNS ^ Update version of Revolution Slider 6.0.9 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.7.0 File changes airi/style.css airi/plugins/plugins.php airi/framework/classes/class-layout.php airi/framework/classes/class-scripts.php airi/framework/configs/options/general.php airi/framework/configs/options/footer.php airi/framework/configs/options/header.php airi/framework/functions/update.php airi/framework/functions/functions.php airi/framework/functions/dynamic_css.php airi/la_configs/la_banner.php airi/templates/posts/loop.php airi/assets/header-builder airi/assets/css ------------ Version 1.1.0 [July 23, 2019] ------------ ^ Update version of Revolution Slider 6.0.6 ^ Update version of WPBakery 6.0.5 ^ Update version of LA-Studio Core 1.0.8 ^ Added the option to check the latest version of the required plugins File changes airi/plugins/js_composer.zip airi/plugins/lastudio.zip airi/plugins/plugins.php airi/plugins/revslider.zip airi/style.css ------------ Version 1.0.9 Release [July 12, 2019] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.2.2 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.6.5 ^ Updated latest version of LA-Studio Core 1.0.7, WPBakery Visual Composer 6.0.3, Slider Revolutions 6.0.2 File to changes airi/style.css airi/plugins/js_composer.zip airi/plugins/lastudio.zip airi/plugins/plugins.php airi/plugins/revslider.zip airi/framework/functions/extra-functions.php airi/templates/portfolios/loop.php ------------ Version 1.0.8 Release [April 19, 2019] ------------ # Fixed wishlist shortcode File to changes airi/vc_templates/la_wishlist.php ------------ Version 1.0.7 Release [April 19, 2019] ------------ * Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.6.1 # Fixed shop label of breadcrumb does not work with WPML File to changes airi/woocommerce/content-product.php airi/woocommerce/content-single-product.php airi/woocommerce/global/quantity-input.php airi/woocommerce/loop/orderby.php airi/framework/classes/class-breadcrumbs.php ------------ Version 1.0.6 Release [March 23, 2019] ------------ ^ Allow turn off the La-Studio extensions on Appearance -> Theme Options -> Extensions # Fixed a bug with the comparison function displaying incorrect stock status File to changes airi/vc_templates/la_compare.php ------------ Version 1.0.5 Release [March 23, 2019] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.1.1 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.5.7 # Fixed a bug with the comparison function displaying incorrect custom attribute names ^ Allow turn off the La-Studio extensions on Appearance -> Theme Options -> Extensions ^ Updated latest version of LA-Studio Core, WPBakery Visual Composer plugins File to changes airi/style.css airi/vc_templates/la_compare.php airi/vc_templates/la_wishlist.php airi/framework/functions/functions.php airi/plugins/plugins.php airi/plugins/lastudio.zip airi/plugins/revslider.zip airi/plugins/js_composer.zip ------------ Version 1.0.4 Release [ December 08, 2018] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.0 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.5.2 ^ Updated latest version of LA-Studio Core, WPBakery Visual Composer plugins File to changes airi/style.css airi/plugins/plugins.php airi/plugins/lastudio.zip airi/plugins/js_composer.zip ------------ Version 1.0.3 Release [ November 27, 2018] ------------ * Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.5.1 # Fixed Position of "comment count" and "favorite count" display incorrect in Firefox and IE 10. # Fixed Reviews layout on Single product page # Fixed Banner Box Style 7 problem # Fixed product category display incorrect when filtered File to changes airi/woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php airi/vc_templates/la_banner.php airi/style.css airi/assets/js/min/app.js airi/assets/js/app.js ------------ Version 1.0.2 Release [October 22, 2018] ------------ # Fixed sharing icons display incorrect on the single post # Remove unnecessary "Related Design Style" on the single post # Fixed Instagram Feed display incorrect on the demo 02 when importing data # Fixed Banner Shortcode does not work # Fixed Display problem of Woo Commander Product List View ^ Updated latest version of WPBakery Visual Composer plugins ^ Add option to change position of Wishlist and Compare button on the product page File to changes airi/style.css airi/plugins/plugins.php airi/plugins/js_composer.zip airi/framework/configs/options/blog.php airi/framework/configs/options/woocommerce.php airi/woocommerce/loop/loop-start.php airi/framework/classes/class-woocommerce.php airi/framework/functions/update.php airi/vc_templates/la_banner.php ------------ Version 1.0.1 Release [October 04, 2018] ------------ # Fixed theme update problem ^ Updated demo data File to changes airi/style.css airi/la_configs/la_banner.php airi/plugins/plugins.php airi/framework/functions/update.php ------------ Version 1.0 Release [October 03, 2018] ------------ * Release Initial release
# | Server | Resource Title | Uploaded at | Download |
1 | T | Airi v1.6.0 - Clean, Minimal WooCommerce Theme | 03 February 2024 | |
2 | T | Airi v1.4.0 - Clean, Minimal WooCommerce Theme | 19 March 2023 | |
3 | T | Airi v1.3.0 - Clean, Minimal WooCommerce Theme | 18 October 2022 | |
4 | T | Airi v1.2.3 - Clean, Minimal WooCommerce Theme | 23 January 2022 | |
5 | T | Airi v1.2.1 - Clean, Minimal WooCommerce Theme | 10 May 2021 | |
6 | T | Airi v1.2.0 - Clean, Minimal WooCommerce Theme | 03 April 2021 | |
7 | T | Airi v1.1.9 - Clean, Minimal WooCommerce Theme | 10 November 2020 | |
8 | T | Airi v1.1.4 - Clean, Minimal WooCommerce Theme | 14 May 2020 | |
9 | T | Airi v1.1.3 - Clean, Minimal WooCommerce Theme | 04 December 2019 | |
10 | T | Airi v1.1.0 - Clean, Minimal WooCommerce Theme | 07 August 2019 | |
11 | T | Airi v1.0.6 - Clean, Minimal WooCommerce Theme | 23 March 2019 | |
12 | T | Airi v1.0.4 - Clean, Minimal WooCommerce Theme | 13 December 2018 | |
13 | T | Airi v1.0.2 - Clean, Minimal WooCommerce Theme | 12 November 2018 |
1.Pehit.com provide the latest version of Airi - Minimal WooCommerce Theme. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy Airi - Minimal WooCommerce Theme from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.