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Peflican - A Newspaper and Magazine WordPress Theme (item ID: 21318939) is an item from in category wordpress. Peflican Theme is a template with luxury design options, tailored to be exceptional on all kinds of blogs and minimal magazines. Not only the built-in modern design choices are aesthetically pleasing, its packed with multi possible layout combinations suitable for blogs and elegant magazines. We believe that our template will appreciate and become very functional site. This is a premium item and their price is $59 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author iDoodle sold about 98 items from the release date 2018-03-24. Peflican - A Newspaper and Magazine WordPress Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 3 user(s) rated it with 4.33 stars. Now, you can free download Peflican - A Newspaper and Magazine WordPress Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
Peflican Theme is a template with luxury design options, tailored to be exceptional on all kinds of blogs and minimal magazines. Not only the built-in modern design choices are aesthetically pleasing, itís packed with multi possible layout combinations suitable for blogs and elegant magazines. We believe that our template will appreciate and become very functional site.
More Features
Modern minimal material style design.
Highly Responsive.
Advanced header features with mutil uniqe header style and header background variation.
Speed and SEO optimized.
Retina ready graphics.
Popular Visual Page builder included so there any layout you can think can be created in minute event without any coding knowledge.
WPML plugin ready: In case your business needs a multi language site
All slideshows optimized for mobile devices
Post Format Support: Standard, Aside, Image, Video, Gallery, Link, Quote , Status , Chat
Unlimited Color Options with Backend Color Picker for any kind of gorgeous color settings.
Free Lifetime Updates and Support
Contact Form 7 support for the most popular form plugin for your dynamic form
Advanced Typography Options
Extensive documentation
Coded using the latest standards and best practices.
A website enthusiast who loves various themes and templates, enjoys exploring all sorts of new and interesting things on the internet. I may not be a professional, but I am still passionate about providing everyone with various free, trendy tools and sharing my own ideas. I hope you all like it here.