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Girly Gym v2.5 - Gym Fitness WordPress Theme

Gym Fitness WordPress Theme (item ID: 20371482) is an item from in category wordpress. GirlyGym theme for Fitness Centres & Coaching Classes. This is a premium item and their price is $69 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author designthemes sold about 354 items from the release date 2017-07-26. Gym Fitness WordPress Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 13 user(s) rated it with 4.92 stars. Now, you can free download Gym Fitness WordPress Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.

Women Fitness Training WordPress theme

The best GYM theme is a Women Fitness WordPress theme. Make websites for Gym, Fitness centers, Fitness trainer, Women gym, Female Fitness centers, Female Trainers, Fitness classes, Personal trainers, Zumba classes, Sport, and Yoga centers.

Class schedules, mountain training, exercise charts, fitness pricing table, fitness membership packages, BMI calculator and fitness test, Regular yoga, intermediate and advanced level, workout chart, cardio exercises, pilates workout can be displayed with this best fitness theme.

Appointment Booking, hire a trainer, fitness programs, BMI calculator, diet chart, nutrition chart, booking sessions with trainers can be presented with this crossfit workout theme.

Timetable wp plugin-weekly class schedule

Using the class schedule, you can handle the day, week & monthly schedules and plan your fitness program. Girly Gym Theme offers many Plugins using which, you can admin your website like a professional.


Using the power of WooCommerce, sell your courses, equipment and accessories from your site and collect multiple currencies. Enroll students online into your gym and facilitate their journey into a fitness program that helps them to be healthy and fit. Let us check in depth about the Plugins and other available features in Girly Gym Theme.

Plugins galore:

Girly Gym Theme offers both paid and free Plugins to run your site comfortably.

Visual Composer $34:

The Visual Composer makes designing of a site into a simple drag and drop affair that everyone would simply love to get their hands on. Using the WYSIWYG-what you see is what you get-interface, it is a piece of cake to design your website like a professional using Girly Gym Theme.

Visual Composer Ultimate Addon $20:

Includes Visual Composer premium addon elements like Icon boxes, model Popups, Info Box, Interactive Banner, Flip Box, Info List & Counter. Best of all – provides A Font Icon Manager allowing users to upload/delete custom icon fonts. Parallax, Video Backgrounds, Row effects, CSS3 animations, icon fonts and much more!

No coding needed:

The drag and drop page builder makes everyone a designer without the coding knowhow! The power of visual composer is integrated into Girly Gym Theme. Create pages quickly with few clicks in few minutes with the help of Visual Composer and custom Girly Gym Theme shortcodes.


Engrossing content on your site is the key. How to build contents that let your visitor stay on your site for a longer time? In Girly Gym Theme, we have incorporated the Slider Revolution Plugin. Creating content using these animated content creation tools, would ensure your site will have an edge over the other sites.

Single Click Import:

Using the single click demo import, you would be able to download all the demo content and use it as your own after adding your logo and customizing it to suit your studio requirements.

Slider Revolution $25:

Slider Revolution is an innovative, responsive WordPress Slider Plugin that displays your content in an engrossing beautiful way. Whether it’s a Slider, Carousel, Hero Scene or even a whole Front Page, Slider Revolution will do the job admirably well. The visual, drag & drop editor of the Slider Revolution will let you tell your own stories in no time! Build Modern & Mobile-Friendly Presentations. It’s easier than you think.

Designthemes Core Features Plugin:

A simple WordPress plugin designed to implements core features of DesignThemes. Version 1.0 of this Plugin is integrated into the themes by DesignThemes. You designing of the layout and pages become a lot simpler with this Plugin.

Designthemes Class Addon:

A simple WordPress Plugin designed to implements classes features of DesignThemes. This Version 1.0 by DesignThemes is integrated into the theme and is compatible with all the other Plugins.


Kirki is the ultimate toolkit for theme developers using the WordPress Customizer. Girly Gym Theme lets you take advantage of its advanced features and flexibility. Simply by abstracting the code, it is easy for everyone to design beautiful and meaningful UI. In addition, you can easily add configurations for your projects. The ease with which you could do is the most useful part of Kirki. It helps you save time which is great! Create you panels and sections. Customize and add fields with ease. It helps you to automatically create CSS from your fields. All this in real time while you preview the changes via the customizer’s preview instantly, using the automatic post-Message scripts creation! You will become a professional designer by adding Google Fonts with typography field. In addition, you could add tooltips to help your users.

Timetable wp plugin-weekly class schedule $29:

Timetable is easy to use WordPress Plugin for scheduling and events management. It’s time-tested and good method to add schedules to your WordPress powered website. Whether you run a gym with daily fitness classes, a school with weekly class schedules, this Plugin will handle it comfortably. Even monthly events or any other business requiring a monthly plan, this Plugin is sufficient to handle it. This is a handy feature to include on your website. And with Timetable, it’s super easy to create a customizable weekly schedule! There are built-in options for colors, 5 scheduled styles, tabs, lists, and more. Plus the Timetable schedules are retina ready, includes unlimited classes as well as advanced filter options. This Plugin is Visual Composer compatible.

Girly Gym Theme offers in total paid Plugins worth$ 108 free!

Event Calendar:

The Events Calendar is a carefully crafted, extensible plugin that lets you easily share your events from your site in a beautiful way. Managing events by day, week, month or list is a breeze in Girly Gym Theme. Create your events in style and plan your events tickets and advance bookings for the events from your site.


WooCommerce is a free eCommerce plugin that lets you sell online anything, beautifully. Built to integrate seamlessly with WordPress, WooCommerce is the world’s favorite eCommerce solution that gives both store owners and developers complete control. With endless flexibility and access to hundreds of free and premium WordPress extensions, WooCommerce now powers 30% of all online stores — more than any other platform. Sell anything, anywhere With WooCommerce. You can sell both physical and digital goods in all shapes and sizes, offer product variations, multiple configurations, and instant downloads to shoppers, and even sell affiliate goods from online marketplaces.

YITH Wishlist:

Yith Wishlist is one of the most useful features of an e-commerce site. When your visitor creates a Wishlist for wanting to buy later, it is kept as a list that can be retrieved. The benefits of this Wishlist is it encourages users to come back, enabling them to track products they consider interesting until the purchase step. Secondly, if users share their Wishlist — to friends, or through social networks, it will enhance the sales and will help the promotion of your online business. Thanks to YITH WooCommerce Wishlist, you could achieve all this. In addition, it is the most downloaded Plugin offering several features, such as the possibility for users to create multiple Wishlist in order to split products in the best way. For example, you could simultaneously send promotional emails to all users who added a specific product to their Wishlist! This plugin is 100% WPML compatible so that you can use it in multilingual sites.

Contact Form 7:

Using contact form 7 design as many forms with an unlimited number of input row fields in your form. You can design your own forms and limit spam and increase conversion. When you are running a site, there may be different requirements for forms to be configured from time to time. Contact Form 7 handles all.

Shortcodes galore:

Girly Gym Theme offers a plethora of shortcodes to configure your modules like tabs, accordions, buttons, and tooltips. The shortcodes offered in Girly Gym Theme is mind boggling. Well, almost every conceivable need has been analyzed and these shortcodes have been included. All the requirements of your site for Blockquotes, Buttons & Lists, Carousel, Columns, Contact Info, Content Shortcodes, Custom Posts, Fancy Boxes, Icon Boxes, Image With Caption, Miscellaneous, Number Counter, Pricing Table, Progress Bar, Tabs & Toggles, Team, Testimonials, Carousel Testimonials, Timeline and Typography.


With more than 600+ Google webfonts and the FontAwesome icons, you can set any color or size on your site and design your pages at will.

Legendary Support:

Using the extensive documentation, knowledge base and video tutorials you can get any clarification you may require about Girly Gym Theme 24/7.

Note: Images used in the demo are not included for download, these images are copyrighted, if you are planning to use the photos we can provide the links to buy license.

* GirlyGym WordPress Theme Changelog *

2024.08.14 – version 2.6

* Compatible with WordPress 6.6.1 * Importer source updated * Fixed: Bulk plugin installation error

2023.11.08 – version 2.5

* Fixed: Unyson plugin installation issue. The source is included in the theme package. * Compatible: latest version WordPress.

2022.12.16 – version 2.4

* Compatible with WordPress 6.1 * Compatible with latest WooCommerce versions * Compatible with PHP 8.1 version * Updated: All premium plugins

2022.08.18 – version 2.3

* Compatible with WordPress 6.0.1 * Compatible with the latest WooCommerce plugin * Updated: All premium plugins

2022.02.22 – version 2.2

* Fixed Kirki Customizer Issue

2021.01.25 – version 2.1

* Compatible with wordpress 5.6 * Some design issues updated * Updated: All premium plugins

2020.12.07 – version 2.0

* Latest jQuery fixes updated * Updated: All premium plugins

2020.08.13 – version 1.9

* Compatible with wordpress 5.5

2020.08.03 – version 1.8

* Updated: Envato Theme check * Updated: sanitize_text_field added * Updated: All wordpress theme standards * Updated: All premium plugins

2020.07.06 – version 1.7.4

* Compatible with wordpress 5.4.2 * Updated: All premium plugins * Updated: Some design tweaks * Updated: Sub menu mouse hover issue * Updated: Activating another theme causes error

2020.02.03 – version 1.7.3

* Compatible with wordpress 5.3.2 * Updated: All premium plugins * Updated: All wordpress theme standards * Updated: Privacy and Cookies concept * Fixed: Privacy Button Issue * Improved: Single product breadcrumb section * Improved: Revisions options added for all custom posts

2019.11.11 – version 1.7.2

* Compatible with wordpress 5.2.4 * Updated: All wordpress theme standards * Updated: All premium plugins * Updated: Revisions added to all custom post types * Updated: Gutenberg editor support for custom post types * Updated: Link for phone number module * Fixed: Customizer logo option * Fixed: Google Analytics issue * Fixed: Mailchimp email client issue * Fixed: Gutenberg check for old wordpress version * Fixed: Edit with Visual Composer for portfolio * Fixed: Header & Footer wpml option * Fixed: Breadcrumb issue in shop page * Fixed: Privacy popup bg color * Improved: Tags taxonomy added for portfolio * Improved: Woocommerce cart module added with custom class option * New: Whatsapp Shortcode

2019.06.25 – version 1.7.1

* Fixed demo content issue

2019.06.07 – version 1.7

 * Gutenberg Latest update compatible * Added Portfolio video option * Added link for image caption module * Fixed - Coming Soon page issue * Fixed - Menu image issue * Fixed - Product single page comment box * Fixed - shortcodes issues * Updated Codestar framework * Updated wpml xml file * Updated latest version of all third party plugins * Some design tweaks

2019.01.22 – version 1.6
* GDPR Compliant update in comment form, mailchimp form etc. * Compatible with wordpress 4.9.8 * Packed with - Layer Slider 6.7.6 * Packed with - Revolution Slider 5.4.8 * Packed with - WPBakery Page Builder 5.5.2 * Packed with - Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer 3.16.24 * Packed with - Envato Market 2.0.0

2018.07.03 – version 1.3

* Fix - Minor Issue

2018.06.26 – version 1.2

* Fix - Bulk plugins install issue * Fix - Woocommerce outdated files * Fix - Updated the no link menu issue * Fix - Iphone sidebar issue * Fix - Add target attribute for social media * Fix - Sociable option * Fix - Option for change the site title color * Fix - Unyson Page Bilder Conflict * Fix - Nav Menu Role Plugin compatible. * Fix - Added the smile fonts folder * Fix - Woocommerce custom sidebar issue * Updated language files * Fix - Event Categry text added * Updated all third party plugins * Updated designthemes core features plugin * Updated designthemes class addon plugin * Fix - All theme functions updated for child theme support * Fix - Buddypress issue * Fix - youtube and vimeo video issue in https * Fix - Twitter feeds links issue * Fix - unyson preview link * Updated demo content

2017.07.27 – version 1.1

 * Optimised Dummy Content Included

2017.07.18 – version 1.0

 * First release!

The latest version of this WordPress item GirlyGym has been updated to 2.6 on 2024-08-17 18:36:09.

# Server Resource Title Uploaded at Download
1 T Girly Gym v2.5 - Gym Fitness WordPress Theme 01 January 2024

Notice: provide the latest version of Gym Fitness WordPress Theme. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy Gym Fitness WordPress Theme from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.


A website enthusiast who loves various themes and templates, enjoys exploring all sorts of new and interesting things on the internet. I may not be a professional, but I am still passionate about providing everyone with various free, trendy tools and sharing my own ideas. I hope you all like it here.

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