Porter Pub - Bar & Restaurant WordPress Theme (item ID: 20353295) is an item from themeforest.net in category wordpress. Porter Pub WordPress Theme is amazing. Unlimited design solutions can be created due to a great flexibility of settings and shortcode options. 99+ Custom Shortcodes are added through a Visual content composer with drag'n'drop function. You can set a completely custom layout that stretches to any width, set your content in many columns and assign animation many parts of your content. Porter Pub theme has a Portfolio that can be set to any sort of a grid or a Masonry puzzle with variable paddings for elemens, while Blog can have several different layouts too. Custom Profiles and Projects post types offer an optimal way to present your content, while valid code, SEO-optimized structure and microformats guarantee this content is easily crawled and indexed by search engines. Porter Pub comes with a Custom Mega Menu plugin, premium Revolution and Layer Slider plugins included for free. Multilanguage, RTL-ready, plugin-compatible and professionally-supported theme. This is a premium item and their price is $59 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author cmsmasters sold about 624 items from the release date 2017-07-31. Porter Pub - Bar & Restaurant WordPress Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 11 user(s) rated it with 3.91 stars. Now, you can free download Porter Pub - Bar & Restaurant WordPress Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
Porter Pub – Restaurant, Bar & Pub WordPress Theme
Current version – 1.2.6
Porter Pub theme becomes a great tavern, craft beer pub, restaurant or diner website – easily as you never expected. Best functionality for restaurant and tavern websites guarantees you fancy look for you beer pub or bar site, easy setup and powerful features for building your restaurant or bar menu. You can showcase your dishes and drinks, like beer, advertise special offers, introduce new specialties in your pub or steak house.
Craft Beer Pub, Bar & Steak House Theme.
Keys: pub, bar, food, craft beer, craft, brewery, brew, grill restaurant, diner, bistro, tavern, steak house, entertainment, cocktail bar, beer house, beer pub, pub WordPress theme, bar WordPress theme, restaurant WordPress theme, grill, whiskey, grill bar, cafe
Custom Admin panel – we have greatly extended initial WordPress admin to provide you with more functionality that includes a wide variety of options and settings and provides maximum customization flexibility to help you create a creative restaurant and bar website.
Valid CSS3 and HTML5 – valid code and optimized structure is one of the key points for a successful website that will be successfully crawled and indexed by search engines.
Helpful Customer support – our support is always noted by our customers as fast, helping and professional. We care about this status and do our best to make website maintenance easier for you, providing effective troubleshooting.
Detailed Theme Knowledgebase – theme documentation covers all the possible questions, so that even a newbie can succeed to create a great website in a reasonable time. Many screenshots from admin panel and front-end to make it even easier.
Custom Widgets – the theme includes a large collection of custom widgets, that allow even more content management possibilities and provide advanced options for social networks, like Flickr, Facebook and Twitter.
Layer Slider & Revolution Slider – this maintenance, renovation and carpenter theme for restaurants and steak houses, as well as beer pubs and cocktail bars, taverns and diners, comes with two popular slider plugins included, a Layer and Revolution Slider, both have supreme functionality and breathtaking effects. No need to purchase them, it’s all in!
99+ Custom Shortcodes – 99+ Custom Shortcodes work as fantastic building blocks for your pages. Very diverse and easy to manage, you will love them!
Custom Post Types – Custom Projects and Profiles post type is an ultimate combination for websites of any category and purpose!
Google Fonts – Hundreds of Google fonts let you customize website appearance completely, they are easy to add and can be used anywhere.
Responsive Layout – Porter Pub – Restaurant, Steak House, Bar & Pub WordPress Theme has a responsive layout that will respond to your screen width and make content appearance be perfect on all devices, from large desktop screens to mobile phones and tablets.
Retina Ready Theme for WordPress – Retina displays set special demands to websites, and Porter Pub theme is developed to have an ultimate performance on all retina displays, providing premium presentation quality for your website elements.
Custom Page Backgrounds – you can set a custom background for any page and post on your website, as well as define in for the whole website in general. Choose color or image background and set repeat type and positioning to it.
Unlimited Menu Colors – unlimited color possibilities for your main navigation and many other website elements lets you adapt your website appearance to your company style. You can set any color to each of your menu elements.
If you need to create a website for a pub or restaurant, a whiskey bar or a steak house, Porter Pub Restaurant WordPress Theme will do the work for you.
Note: All the content images are not included in the main download and PRO version of the Events Calendar Plugin needs to be purchased separately
Qualified support and FAQ’s
This WordPress theme as well as all other our products is provided with detailed How-To descriptions. We also care that our customers always get professional help using our products.
If you are a talented designer, photographer or illustrator, and you have some works that you wish to be displayed in our demo previews, go ahead and contact us: we are open for cooperation!Getting a refund
We make good themes that thousands of people love. And though it is a pleasure for us to have you as a customer, there are some cases when we can let you go. See these in a Refund Policy.Changelog
Visit Link
Spream Refferal Code: 7Ggyb9hE35
# | Server | Resource Title | Uploaded at | Download |
1 | T | Porter Pub v1.0.8 - Restaurant & Bar WordPress Theme | 08 August 2019 |
1.Pehit.com provide the latest version of Porter Pub - Bar & Restaurant WordPress Theme. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy Porter Pub - Bar & Restaurant WordPress Theme from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.