
Basel v1.3.1 - Lightweight Yet Powerful Opencart Theme

Basel - Lightweight Yet Powerful Opencart Theme (item ID: 20199321) is an item from in category ecommerce. This is a premium item and their price is $60 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author OpenThemer sold about 711 items from the release date 2017-08-09. Basel - Lightweight Yet Powerful Opencart Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 60 user(s) rated it with 4.7 stars. Now, you can free download Basel - Lightweight Yet Powerful Opencart Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.

BASEL is a lightweight AJAX driven theme built to create modern and powerful e-commerce web-sites. Using a powerful Content Builder along with a Drag & Drop slideshow builder, you are able to create a unique store that looks perfect on any screen resolution. The theme is suitable for any kind of shops like cloth, electronics, furniture, accessories, flowers or other.

Compatible with Opencart 2.3.X, 3.0.2,,,

Multi Vendor Ready with MultiMerch

Basel is compatible with the popular multi vendor marketplace extension by MultiMerch. Use MultiMerch with Basel to run your own multi vendor marketplace using OpenCart.

Please note that you need to purchase a MultiMerch license to use MultiMerch with Basel. MultiMerch support for Basel is officially provided by MultiMerch – for any questions, please get in touch with the MultiMerch team at

Click here to see a multi vendor marketplace demo with MultiMerch + Basel

Main features:

- Speed optimized
- One Page Checkout
- RTL support
- Responsive layout
- Valid HTML code
- Multi currency + language
- Multistore ready
- Layout manager – Custom layout with columns on all pages
- SEO optimized
- Rich snippets on products and blog posts
- Speed optimized
- Guest newsletter subscribe
- Ajax live search
- Cookie information bar
- Slideshow based on MasterSlider
- Show 2/3/4/5 or 6 products per row
- Product image hover swap
- Powerful content builder tool
- Powerful blog extension
- Unlimited header designs
- Easy menu management
- Instagram feed module
- Product groups module – List any products anywhere
- Drag & Drop Mega menu module
- Product Questions & Answers on product pages
- Custom information tabs on product pages
- Sticky columns
- Mobile off canvas menu
- Custom Fonts and Colors
- Product quickview
- 3 product page layouts
- Newsletter popup
-13 pre-made sample themes
- One click installer
- Dedicated support
- Free updates
- Much more
- Multimerch ready


Please note that demo images are not included in the theme download.

Release history

- Added support for Opencart and
- Added support for PHP 7.4
- Minor bug fixes

- Fixed broken Instagram feed
- Minor bug fixes

- Fixed affiliate accounts for Opencart 3.X
- Moved blog month prefixes to the language file to make them translatable

- Better touch support to the price slider in product filter
- Changed Instagram feed to allow non-square media
- Fixed autocomplete serach for related blog posts
- Fixed bugs in the Filter module
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

- Added SEO reviews (Reviews in Opencart will now be visible for Goggle)
- Added product options to quickview popups
- Default category menus is now 3 levels deep
- Fixed bug in Ajax filter module when using a custom DB_prefix
- Live search now support arabic characters
- Minor CSS/JS fixes

- Minor bug fixes
- Ajax Product Filter module removed

- RTL support added
- Ajax Product Filter module added
- Minor bug fixes

- Minor bug fixes
- Ajax Product Filter module removed

- Added option to assign product tabs on products in certain category
- Added autoplay option to carousel module
- Added option to turn off live price update on product pages
- Added product images to shopping cart on mobile devices
- Fixed bug in layout manager when using Opencart 2.3
- Fixed bug responsive layout on category wall
- Fixed login bug in One Page Checkout
- Minor CSS improvements

Version 1.2.4
- Changed checkout extension to a more stable version
- Added support for filters in a vertical layout
- Minor CSS and code improvements

Version 1.2.3
- Fixed bug with the Category module
- Added better support for PHP7
- Added full width menu dropdowns
- Minor CSS and code improvements

Version 1.2.2
- Updated the Instagram module to work with their API
- Zone/Country can now be disabled on checkout when using Basel Checkout + Opencart 3
- Basel Checkout now automatically scroll the user to highlight errors/missing fields

Version 1.2.1
- Minor bug fixes when using Opencart 3

Version 1.2
- Added One Page Checkout
- Added Out Of Stock labels
- Fixed minor bugs

Version 1.1
- Added support for Opencart 3.0.2
- Minor CSS improvements

Version 1.0
- Initial release

Version 1.2.5

# Server Resource Title Uploaded at Download
1 T Basel v1.3.1 - Lightweight Yet Powerful Opencart Theme 14 November 2020

Notice: provide the latest version of Basel - Lightweight Yet Powerful Opencart Theme. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy Basel - Lightweight Yet Powerful Opencart Theme from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.


A website enthusiast who loves various themes and templates, enjoys exploring all sorts of new and interesting things on the internet. I may not be a professional, but I am still passionate about providing everyone with various free, trendy tools and sharing my own ideas. I hope you all like it here.

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