Revo - Drag & Drop Multipurpose OpenCart 3 & 2.3 Theme with 15 Layouts Ready (item ID: 19577129) is an item from themeforest.net in category ecommerce. This is a premium item and their price is $53 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author magentech sold about 975 items from the release date 2017-03-22. Revo - Drag & Drop Multipurpose OpenCart 3 & 2.3 Theme with 15 Layouts Ready enjoys sound reputation, so 84 user(s) rated it with 4.25 stars. Now, you can free download Revo - Drag & Drop Multipurpose OpenCart 3 & 2.3 Theme with 15 Layouts Ready in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
Compatible With OpenCart 2.3.0.x, 3.0.0.x, 3.0.1.x, 3.0.2.x, 3.0.3.x,,,, & Latest
Multivendor Marketplace Compatibility
You can easily turn Revo theme into a marketplace because it’s now compatible with multi-vendor plugins from the author Purpletreesoft for OpenCart 3 Version. Click here to try the marketplace demo.
Mobile Layouts Ready
You can use responsive layout or our mobile-specific layouts for your site.
Google SEO Rich Snippets Support
GDPR Compatibility for OpenCart 3 version
Revo is a modern and fully responsive multi-purpose OpenCart theme for any type of store. In combination with the super powerful administration panel packed with a bundle of options, you totally yourself can create a unique e-commerce website, only for you, named your own one. Now, Revo Opencart Ecommerce theme definitely bring back to you many awsome experience by providing a lots of functional extensions such as: Mega Menu with multi-columns (sticky Menu – Fixed menu), attractive homepage slider with many smooth effects, multi-language, multi-currency, image popup view and much more, super faster speed to enhence the customers’ experiences. The easy-to-custom Admin panel and detailed documentation will let you totally build and control your store.
Core Feature
- Compatible with OpenCart 2.3.x and 3.0.3.x,
- Responsive layout for all devices
- QuickView Pro
- Countdown Popup
- Quick Tool Module
- OnePage Checkout
- Hot Deals Module Ready
- Livechat Messenger Module support
- Latest Blog Support
- One-Click import Data
- Filter Shoby Pro
- Search pro
- Mega Menu support
- Social Networks integration
- Boxed and Wide layouts
- Cloud zoom option for product Images
- Multiple Language support
- Multi color Options for website skin
- Fully integrated with Font Awesome Icon
- Social Networks integration
- CSS3 table-less design
- Setup rows and columns
- Experience the Live Demo Via QR code
- Display static blocks contain texts below menu items
- Blog module included
- Live Search Pro
- Support multilingual and RTL layout
- AJAX Add To Cart
- AJAX Layered Navigation
- Clean, modern design can be used for any type of website
- Grid / List view
- Allow to display your items in either list or grid view
- Set Layout for each page
- Easy define column left or column right for each page in admin panel.
- Custom Slideshow
- Tabs Category Slider
- CMS block
- New Products Slider
- Hot Deal Products Slider
- Bestseller Products Slider
- Show second image on hover
- Newsletter block
- Related Slider
- Brand Logo Slider
- Cloudzoom and images slider
- Product Quick View
- Advanced Typography Options!
- Use Google Fonts, Standard Fonts, or Upload Your Custom Font!
- Wide & Boxed Layout Versions
- Full control over site width; content area and sidebars
- Back to top button
- Graphics Used
- SEO friendly
- Optimized codebase
- Compatible with IE10+, Firefox 4+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
Note: All images are just used for preview purpose only and NOT included in the final purchase files.
Change Log
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.2.8 for OC3.0.4.0: Aug 13, 2024 ------------- [+] Compatible with OC [+] Compatible with PHP 8+
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.2.7 for OC3.0.3.6: Dec 23, 2020 ------------- [Bugfix] So Social Login. [Bugfix] So Onepage Checkout. [Bugfix] Bug clear cache: system\storage\cache\so not empty. [Bugfix] So Home Slider on mobile. [Bugfix] So Listing Tab - Unloadable when click other tab
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.2.6 for OC3.0.3.6: August-24-2020 ------------- [Fixed] Fix Error call the old Twig folder in module Listingtab, Filter shopby, Super category
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.2.6 for OC3.0.3.6: August-19-2020 ------------- [Update] Package Revo for OpenCart
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.2.5 for OC3: Apr-03-2019 ------------- [Update] Install theme data loss old Modification list
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.2.4: Jan-28-2019 ------------- [Bugfix] Error warning on php 7 of Opencart 3
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.2.4: Dec-07-2018 ------------- [Bugfix] language translation error
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.2.3: Oct-10-2018 ------------ [Update] module So_onepagecheckout_v1.1.5 BugFix] Filter shop by text orders not found.
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.2.3: Oct-05-2018 ------------ [Update] Product detail page: Added Buy Now Button [Update] Product detail page: Display the number of sold items [Update] Product detail page: Display the number of product views [Update] Restyle "Add to cart" pop-up
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.2: Sep-13-2018 ------------- [Fixed-bug] Remove folder overriding so one-page-checkout module
----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.2.2 for OC3 - Sep-07-2018 ------------- Adding a installation file
----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.2.2 for OC3 - Aug-21-2018 ------------- [Fixed-bug] so module setting cache not working
----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.2.2 for OC3: Update on August-04-2018 ------------ [Fixed-bug] Enable SEO URLs [Fixed-bug] Module megamenu doesn't display correctly
----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.2.2 for OC3: Update on July-31-2018 ------------ [Update] Module So_sociallogin v1.1.4
----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.2.2 for OC3: Update on July-07-2018 ------------ [Fixed-bug]-[Mobile] Product detail Add to cart doesn't show when the options ( size, colors) was selected
----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.2.2 for OC3: Update on June-26-2018 ------------ [Update] So Filter Shopby v2.22
----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.2.2 for OC3: Update on June-08-2018 ------------ [Fixbugs] Layout mobile : RTL language display not well
----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.2.2 for OC3: Update on June-05-2018 ------------ [Update] Edit text language in module SO Lastest blog [Update] Mod so_onepagecheckout v1.14
----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.2.2 for OC3: Update on May-28-2018 ------------ [Update] Lazy Loading Images [Update] Search pro cho mobile [Update] Google seo rich snippets
----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.2.1 for OC3: Update on May-15-2018 ------------ [Update] Product page - thumb gallery support slider [Update] Layout Mobile - do not have Ajax live search
----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.2.1 for OC3: February-27-2018 ------------ [Fixbugs] SO page builder : Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered
-----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.0.9 for OC23: Update on January-05-2018 ------------ [Update] Compatible with Multimerch Marketplace plugin version 8.11
----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.0.9 for OC23 & VERSION 1.2.1 for OC 3 on February-10-2018 ------------ [Fixbug] OC23: v1.0.9: - Fix error: so onepagecheckout in mobile layout OC3: v1.2.1: - Error language of so onepagecheckout module
-----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.0.9 for OC23: Update on January-05-2018 ------------ [Fixbug] so deals : not working
----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.2.0 for OC3: Update on Dec-28-2017 ------------ [Fixbug] missing folder catalog\controller\extension\simple_blog [Fixbug] Error file so-revo/template/common/header.twig
----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.2.0 for OC3: Update on Dec-23-2017 ------------ [Fixbug] Responsive Mobile : So Verticalmenu the menu icon not working [Fixbug] SO Filter Shopby : Click button quickview not working
---------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.0.9 for OC23: Update on Dec-19-2017 ------------ [Fixbug]Simple blog - Conflict with Complete SEO [Fixbug] Today deal and related products - Can not click on image link
----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.2.0 for OC3: Update on Dec-06-2017 ------------ [Fixbug] comment code admin\model\extension\module\so_filter_shop_by.php
----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.2.0 for OC3: Update on Dec-05-2017 ------------ [Fixbug] Product detail - click options but price tax not change [Fixbug] So Megamenu : Error not remove menu item of Megamenu [Fixbug] So Mobile : Click button compile css not working [Fixbug] Maintenance mode: gives an error
----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.1.9 for OC3: Update on Nov-29-2017 ------------ [Fixbug] Error happen add new language [Fixbug] Product detail - click options but price tax not change
----------------------UPDATE VERSION 1.1.9 for OC3: Update on Nov-22-2017 ------------ [Update] Add homepage #15
----------------------UPDATE VERSION: Update on Nov-17-2017 ------------ [Update] Add homepage #14
----------------------UPDATE VERSION: Update on Nov-10-2017 ------------ 1. Version 1.1.7 for OpenCart 3: - update index #11, 12, 13 2. Version 1.0.7 for OpenCart 2.3x - [Update] Compatible with marketplace with MultiMerch 8.11 ( the latest version)
----------------------UPDATE VERSION - 1.1.6 For OC3: Update on Nov-01-2017 ------------ [Update] So Revo3 - support MultiSeller Marketplace
----------------------UPDATE VERSION - 1.1.6 For OC3: Update on Oct-24-2017 ------------ [Fixbug] Page My account - language display wrong [Fixbug] So onepagecheckout - text language not translates [update] So Social Login v1.1.2
----------------------UPDATE VERSION - 1.1.5 For OC3: Update on Oct-06-2017 ------------ [Update] Module so filter shop by [Fixbugs] Style for module so listing tab - home 1 [Fixbugs] Social Facebook not showing home page
----------------------VERSION - 1.1.5 For OC3 and VERSION 1.0.6 for OC23 : Update on Oct-06-2017 ------------ - Update: [Fixbug] error so_revo_oc2300_v1.0.6 module so onePageCheckOut when selecting layout2 [Fixbug] error so_revo_oc3000_v1.1.5 module so onePageCheckOut when styling the layout
----------------------VERSION - 1.1.5 For OC3 : Update on Oct-05-2017 ------------ [Update] Add more bonus pages (gallery , Typo, Coming soon...) [Update] Add more Styles for Category & Article of blog. [Fixbug] SO Listing tabs : Error in Mobile Layout 2
----------------------VERSION - 1.1.4 For OC3 : Update on Sep-22-2017 ------------ [+] Fix bugs : Module SO Deal - If special day in product có ngày = 0, style is broken [+] Fix bugs : Header mobile Layout 3 is broken [+] Fix bugs: If STICKY MENU ON TOP = enable, scrolling error [+] Update : Add Today Deals option in Themeconfig
----------------------VERSION - 1.1.3 For OC3 : Update on Sep-11-2017 ------------ [+] Translate text for Social Login [+] Cache_Lite has a deprecated constructor in Cache_Lite\Lite.php [+] Is login show name welcome
----------------------VERSION - 1.0.1 - OC 2.3.x : Update on Sep-11-2017 ------------ [+] Fixed bug: Filter shopby module on version for OC 2.3.x
----------------------VERSION - 1.1.1: Update on August-31-2017 ------------ [+] update OpenCart 3 for 10 homepages
------------ VERSION - 1.1.0: Update on August-30-2017 ------------ [+] Fixed Bug: Fix display https that causes error module so filter_shop_by
------------ VERSION - 1.1.0: Update on August-15-2017 ------------ + Fixed bug: Fix bugs Module so tool - error show addtocart for Version OC 2.3.x
------------ VERSION - 1.1.0: Update on August-04-2017 ------------ - Update version 1.1.0: + Compatible with OpenCart 3
------------ VERSION - 1.0.6: Update on August-02-2017 ------------ [+] Update folder data/cache/minify
------------ VERSION - 1.0.6: Update on July-31-2017 ------------ - update version 1.0.6: 1.Lack of the folder: \system\library\so_social\Facebook 2. Fix bugs Notice: Undefined variable: text_lastname in header.php 3. Fix bugs home page is double module
------------ VERSION - 1.0.6: Update on July-26-2017 ------------ [Update] Module So Social Login v1.0.1 [Update] Module So Onepage Checkout v1.0.3 [Update] Module So Filter Shopby v2.1.2 [Fixed] Error show Out of stock on module [Fixed] Error So_mobile - Remove Create Color [Fixed] Error So_tool Translate Language
------------ VERSION - 1.0.5: Update on July-10-2017 ------------ [Add] So Quick Tools
------------ VERSION - 1.0.4: Update on June-16-2017 ------------ [Fixed] Bugs: [So Searchpro] Responsive Mobile: the search box doesn't work
------------ VERSION - 1.0.4: Update on June-15-2017 ------------ [Fixed] Bugs: 1. Notice: Layout mobile Undefined index: footermenus 2. Click install Module So Themeconfig Remove all module mặc định opencart 3. Layout Mobile: install the third-party module ->> not display 4. Lack of the folder system\soconfig\data\ 5. Ipad header doesn't show the module search 6. [So Filter Shop by] Fix error when category disappear.
------------ VERSION - 1.0.3: Update on June-01-2017 ------------ [Update] Simple blog module in Theme package
------------ VERSION - 1.0.3: Update on May-19-2017 ------------ [Released] 3 Mobile Layouts updated
------------ VERSION - 1.0.2: Update on April-24-2017 ------------ [Fixed] Language Error is not translated -> "Upsell " in detail page [Fixed] Quickview view So Listing tab [Fixed] Bugs: not show next prev button of module listing tab when moving to tab ajax
------------ VERSION - 1.0.1: Update on April-19-2017 ------------ [Fixed] Simple Blog -Error when creating category [Fixed] Error - install theme: duplicate id module
------------ VERSION - 1.0.1: Release on April-03-2017 ------------ [Fixed] Error: unable click button search on desktop
------------ VERSION - 1.0.1: Release on March-27-2017 ------------ [Fixed] : Error Device Show button sidebar page category, detail
------------ VERSION - 1.0.0: Release on March-09-2017 ------------ [+] Initial Release
Other versions
# | Server | Resource Title | Uploaded at | Download |
1 | T | Revo v1.2.7 - Drag & Drop Multipurpose OpenCart 3 & 2.3 Theme with 15 Layouts Ready | 04 February 2023 |
1.Pehit.com provide the latest version of Revo - Drag & Drop Multipurpose OpenCart 3 & 2.3 Theme with 15 Layouts Ready. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy Revo - Drag & Drop Multipurpose OpenCart 3 & 2.3 Theme with 15 Layouts Ready from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.