Hala - Creative Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme (item ID: 19116816) is an item from themeforest.net in category wordpress. A Creative Multipurpose Theme This is a premium item and their price is $39 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author motivoweb sold about 170 items from the release date 2017-02-28. Hala - Creative Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 9 user(s) rated it with 3.89 stars. Now, you can free download Hala - Creative Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
Hala is a creative WordPress theme that will showcase your Portfolio, Agency, Photography, or Blogging (plus much more). With stacks of layout designs, user-friendly Theme Options, and rich Drag and Drop content builder to help create your perfect site in minutes.
Detailed documentation available here
- Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
- One Page & Multi-page design.
- WPBakery Page Builder, the most used and advanced page builder on the market. Get it for free with Motive.
- Revolution Slider included (save $25)
- Theme Options Customize everything, Hala Theme Option its one of the most advanced you ever seen. Edit any style or page detail without write any line of code.
- Redux FrameWork for Powerfull Admin Panel.
- 100% Responsive Layout Your websites can be in any device visible perfectly.
- WooCommerce Ready
- 7+ Beautiful Homepages
- Install Demo Data Install our demo data with one click. After the installation you have just to add your content.
- Multiple page template demos
- Multiple Headers and Footers
- Mega Menu Set the menu you want from single level menu to the Mega Menu.
- Blog blog styles, share your ideas with style.
- Custom Post Formats Standard, Gallery, Link, Quote, Video, Audio
- Social Share Share your content to the most popular social pages.
- Sidebars & Custom WP Widgets You sidebars can be added in pages, blog, post.
- Portfolio Custom Isotope filterable portfolio sections you can check on our demo
- Owl Carousel elements
- Unlimited Colors With just one click you can change the colors.
- Dark & Light Skins.
- Background Custom Background using image, color or pattern.
- Google Fonts Choose from the huge list of google font the one that fits with your web style.
- Built with SASS , css
- Smooth CSS3 Animations
- Interactive Tabs and Accordions
- Clients & Partners
- Pricing Tables
- Progress bar
- Icon box
- Team member
- Testmonials
- Video
- RTL Switch to Right to Left.
- Contact Form 7 Comes with theme included and fully compatible. Set your custom contact forms and application pages.
- Translation Ready Hala is a multilanguage theme, translate your website easily with WPML plugin.
- Mailchimp integration for newsletter forms.
- Google Maps API enabled maps with retina map markers added via simple data attributes.
- Detailed Documentation
- Support We offer experienced support for you. Our staff now its bigger and ready to help you with every step of website creation.
Changes & Updates
1.0.4 – 29 June 22 * Fix: CSS issues. * Add: logo dark option. * Add: a single layout option. * Add: Show/hidden archive-title bar. * Updated: header V2. * Updated: Hala_core plugin. * Updated: Hala_shortcodes plugin. * Updated: WooCommerce files. * Updated: Slider Revoiution, WPBakery plugin. * Updated: single, archive, category pages. * Enhanced: Gutenberg blocks and styles.
1.0.4 – 1 Dec 18
* Fix: header responsive style . * Fix: instagram widgets * Remove : hala_posttypes plugins. * Updated: CSS Files. * Updated: hala_core plugins. * Updated: Revslider, WPBakery plugins. * Updated: Woocommerce files.
1.0.3 –18 July 17 * Fix: counter issues . * Updated: hala_posttypes plugin. * Updated: CSS Files.
1.0.2 –12 March 17 * Fix: Theme Option issues on color. * Updated: CSS Files. * Updated: hala_core plugin.