Butter - Restaurant & Winery WordPress Theme (item ID: 17426462) is an item from themeforest.net in category wordpress. Butter - Restaurant WP Theme This is a premium item and their price is $38 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author Fluent-Themes sold about 287 items from the release date 2016-09-30. Butter - Restaurant & Winery WordPress Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 9 user(s) rated it with 4.78 stars. Now, you can free download Butter - Restaurant & Winery WordPress Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
Butter Restaurant WordPress Theme comes with beautiful food menus, shop pages, OpenTable reservations, galleries and pre built Templates.
Butter 4.5.0 is live!
Compatible with WordPress 6.7.x / 6.5.x / 6.4.x / 6.3.x / 6.2.x / 6.1.x / 6.0.x / 5.9.x / 5.8.x / 5.7.x
Compatible with WooCommerce 9.4.x / 9.3.x / 9.2.x / 9.1.x / 9.0.x / 8.9.x / 8.8.x / 8.7.x / 8.6.x / 8.5.x / 8.4.x / 8.3.x / 8.2.x / 8.1.x / 8.0.x / 7.9.x / 7.8.x / 7.7.x / 7.6.x / 7.5.x / 7.4.x / 7.3.x / 7.2.x / 7.1.x / 7.0.x / 6.9.x / 6.8.x / 6.7.x / 6.6.x / 6.5.x / 6.4.x / 6.3.x / 6.2.x / 6.1.x / 6.0.x
Skip to full compatibility List.
Butter is smart looking, smooth and very easy-to-use Restaurant WordPress theme that gives you opportunity to describe your shop in a narrative, dynamic and enjoyable way, making it absolutely perfect for restaurants, pizza huts, bakeries or coffee shops.
Developed by professionals keeping in mind everything you need in a website as a Restaurant owner. Beautiful menus, Shop pages, OpenTable reservations, events or galleries are just a few clicks away – all within easy to use Drag and Drop interface!
The light weight and high performance parallax scrolling effect immerse your website visitors in a extraordinary browsing experience. Also, you can ‘Switch On/Off’ the smooth scrolling effect from your ‘Theme-Options’.
This is what Butter is all about: proposing the exact right tools so you can express your story! Beautiful Product Menus, Reservations with OpenTable System, Parallax Smooth Scrolling, Online Shop with WooCommerce, SEO ready, Translation ready, Powerful Theme Options, Drag and Drop page builder are just the highlights of the features of Butter theme. This theme got 1 Click Demo Import feature as well
Want to make your site in different language? No problem, Butter theme is 100% translation ready and compatible with WPML, loco translate and poedit also.
The theme is WordPress latest version ready, WooCommerce latest version ready and GDPR ready
Theme Documentation Theme Support
Other Key Features
Compatible With
Butter theme is fully compatible with the following versions of WordPress:
WordPress 6.7x,
WordPress 6.6x,
WordPress 6.5x,
WordPress 6.4x,
WordPress 6.3x,
WordPress 6.2x,
WordPress 6.1x,
WordPress 6.0x,
WordPress 5.9x,
WordPress 5.8x,
WordPress 5.7x
And, the following versions of WooCommerce:
WooCommerce 9.4x
WooCommerce 9.3x
WooCommerce 9.2x
WooCommerce 9.1x
WooCommerce 9.0x
WooCommerce 8.9x
WooCommerce 8.8x
WooCommerce 8.7x
WooCommerce 8.6x
WooCommerce 8.5x
WooCommerce 8.4x
WooCommerce 8.3x
WooCommerce 8.2x
WooCommerce 8.1x
WooCommerce 8.0x
WooCommerce 7.9x
WooCommerce 7.8x
WooCommerce 7.7x
WooCommerce 7.6x
WooCommerce 7.5x
WooCommerce 7.4x
WooCommerce 7.3x
WooCommerce 7.2x
WooCommerce 7.1x
WooCommerce 7.0x
WooCommerce 6.9x
WooCommerce 6.8x,
WooCommerce 6.7x,
WooCommerce 6.6x,
WooCommerce 6.5x,
WooCommerce 6.4x,
WooCommerce 6.3x,
WooCommerce 6.2x,
WooCommerce 6.1x,
WooCommerce 6.0x
v4.5.0 – 26th November 20241. Improvement: WooCommerce 9.4.x compatible. 2. Improvement: WordPress 6.7.x compatible. 3. Improvement: Bundled plugins updated to their latest versions.v4.4.6 – 29th June 2024
1. Improvement: WooCommerce 9.x compatible. 2. Improvement: New Demo included and ready to import with 1 click demo import.v4.4.5 – 28th May 2024
1. Improvement: WooCommerce 8.9.x Compatiblev4.4.4 – 5th May 2024
1. Improvement: WordPress 6.5.x Compatible 2. Improvement: WooCommerce 8.8.x Compatiblev4.4.3 – 7th February 2024
1. Improvement: WooCommerce 8.5.x and 8.6.x Compatiblev4.4.2 – 9th November 2023
1. Improvement: WordPress 6.4.x Compatible 2. Improvement: WooCommerce 8.2.x, WooCommerce 8.3.x, WooCommerce 8.4.x Compatiblev4.4.1 – 19th September 2023
1. Improvement: WooCommerce 8.1.x compatiblev4.4.0 – 30th August 2023
1. Improvement: WooCommerce 8.0.x compatiblev4.3.0 – 29th July 2023
1. Improvement: PHP 8 Compatible 2. Improvement: WordPress 6.2.2 Compatible 3. Improvement: WooCommerce 7.9 Compatiblev4.2.1 – 19th March 2023
1. Improvement: WooCommerce 7.5.0 Compatible 2. Improvement: WordPress version 6.2 compatiblev4.2.0 – 18th January 2023
1. Improvement: WooCommerce 7.3.0 Compatiblev4.1.1 – 5th November 2022
1. Improvement: WordPress version 6.1 compatible 2. Improvement: WooCommerce version 7.0.1 compatiblev4.1.0 – 25th August 2022
1. Improvement: WooCommerce 6.8.2 and 6.9.x compatiblev4.0.0 – 26th March 2022
1. Improvement: WooCommerce 6.3.x Compatible 2. Improvement: WordPress 5.9.2 compatiblev3.7.1.4 – 8th February 2022
1. Improvement: WooCommerce version 6.2.x compatiblev3.7.1.3 – 9th January 2022
1. Improvement: WooCommerce version 6.x compatible 2. Improvement: WooCommerce 5.9.x Compatible 3. Improvement: Bundled plugins installation process is now more user-friendly.v3.7.1.2 – 2nd November 2021
1. Improvement: WooCommerce 5.8.0 Compatiblev3.7.1.1 – 17th September 2021
1. Improvement : WordPress version 5.8.1 compatibility work done. 2. Improvement : WooCommerce latest versions compatibility work done.v3.7.1 – 15th July 2021
1. Improvement: WooCommerce 5.4.x and 5.5.x compatible.v3.7.0 – 7th April 2021
1. Improvement: WordPress 5.7.x and WooCommerce 5.1.x and 5.2.x compatible.v3.6.1 – 12th February 2021
1. Improvements: WooCommerce latest version 5.0.0 compatible. 2. Tweak: Minimum WordPress version required is 5.4.v3.6 – 22nd December 2020
1. WordPress version 5.6 compatibility work DONE! 2. WooCommerce version 4.8 and 4.9 compatibility work DONE!v3.5 – 6th December 2020
1. WooCommerce version 4.7.1 compatibility work DONE!v3.4 – 23rd August 2020
1. WordPress version 5.5 compatibility work done! 2. WooCommerce version 4.5 compatibility work done!v3.3 – 2nd August 2020
1. Translatable strings updated for WPMLv3.2 – 15th July 2020
1. WooCommerce version 4.3 compatibility work DONE!v3.1 – 2nd July 2020
1. Reservation form email functionality updated.v3.0 – 2nd April 2020
1. WordPress version 5.4 compatibility work DONE!v2.4 – 14th March 2020
1. WooCommerce version 4.0 compatibility work DONE!v2.3 – 7th March 2020
1. WPBakery Page builder is updated to its latest version (v6.1)!v2.2 – 22nd December 2019
1. WooCommerce 3.9 Compatibility work DONE !v2.1 – 23rd August 2019
1. WooCommerce 3.8 Compatibility work DONE !v2.0 – 7th July 2019
1. One Click Demo Import facility includedv1.6.2 – 9th June 2019
1. Included new option for adding 'Agreements' checkbox with Contact Forms.v1.6.1 – 21st April 2019
1. WooCommerce 3.6 Compatibility work DONE !v1.5.3 – 1st March 2019
1. Fixed: WooCommerce shop product's excerpt length was too big.v1.5.1 – 26th February 2019
1. Latest version of WooCommerce Compatible. 2. Gutenberg Optimized. 3. Ffully meets the new WordPress requirements outlined by Envato.v1.5 – 10th July 2018
1. WooCommerce 3.4.3 compatibility works done. 2. WordPress 4.9.7 compatibility works done.v1.4.1 – 3rd April 2018
1. WooCommerce 3.3.4 compatibility issues fixed.v1.4 – 23rd October 2017
1. WooCommerce 3.2.1 compatibility issues fixed. 2. Verify purchase code system implemented.v1.3.3 – 15th May 2017
1. Required plugins path updated 2. New option added in the Reservation formv1.3.2 – 15th April 2017
1. Fixed: Menu Loading issue. 2. More option fields added for menu items. Note: 'The Butter Extensions' plugin should be updated to the latest version, once the theme is updated to this version.v1.3.1 – 13th January 2017
1. Fixed: For one-page website option, there was a php error showingv1.3 – 7th November 2016
1. Couple of CSS bugs of Bakery Demo found and fixed.v1.2 – 18th October 2016
1. Theme updated to make Events pages/posts. 2. Language files updated.v1.1 – 15th October 2016
1. Theme is ready for creating One-Page website 2. Drop-Down select option added in the Reservation Form 3. Master slider css was overriding default theme css, this bug has been fixedv1.0 – 1st October 2016
1. Initial release.Note: Some images in the live preview are used for preview purpose only and not included in the final purchase files.
# | Server | Resource Title | Uploaded at | Download |
1 | T | Butter v2.1 - Professional Restaurant, Bakery, Coffee, Winery and Pizza WordPress Theme | 09 December 2019 |
1.Pehit.com provide the latest version of Butter - Restaurant & Winery WordPress Theme. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy Butter - Restaurant & Winery WordPress Theme from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.