
Mr.Bara v2.0.6 - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce Theme

Mr.Bara - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce WordPress Theme (item ID: 17336192) is an item from in category wordpress. Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce WordPress Theme This is a premium item and their price is $59 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author drfuri sold about 1012 items from the release date 2016-11-15. Mr.Bara - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce WordPress Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 60 user(s) rated it with 4.37 stars. Now, you can free download Mr.Bara - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce WordPress Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.

MrBara is an unique and modern WooCommerce WordPress shopping theme for WordPress built with Bootstrap and powered by Visual Composer. It was built for your digital store, hitech store, watch store, men store, women store, clothing store, furniture store, book store, cosmetics shop, luxury jewelry multipurpose online stores.

Furthermore, this amazing theme is integrated with WooCommerce, many plugins with lots of features, mini cart, custom widgets, unlimited color schemes, Slider with smooth transition effects, Menu with multiple column styles and advanced widgets… You are free to control this theme in order to make your store more friendly and adorable for your customers.

Compatible with WooCommerce 3.0+

Powerful eCommerce Functionality

The theme was built for WooCommerce, the most popular eCommerce solution for WordPress, which helps you sell anything online, shippable goods, virtual or digital files.

  • Sell Simple or Variable Products
  • Sell Digital / Downloadable Products
  • Sell External / Affiliate Products
  • Built-in Order Tracking System
  • Intricate Tax & Shipping Options
  • Fully Responsive Design;
  • Customers can Rate / Review Products
  • Unlimted Categories & Sub-Categories
  • Filter Products (eg by size, color, etc.)
  • Powerful Store Management
  • Built-in Coupon System
  • Gain Insights from the Store Reports
  • Easy Shipping Calculator
  • SEO Optimized

Full Features

  • 46 Predefined homepages
  • 15 Header styles
  • 8 Footer styles
  • 7 Shop laypouts
  • 10 Product Grid Style and product hover effects
  • 12 Single product layouts
  • Visual Composer Included: Building anything with Drag & Drop page builder and a large element library
  • Revolution Slider Included: Create amazing and responsive sliders will never be easier without Revolution Slider and it is included in MrBara for free.
  • Full WooCommerce Compatible: MrBara is the perfect theme for your shop or your clients websites as an agency or freelancer.
  • Color, Label and Image Swatches: Generate color, label and image swatches to display the available product variable attributes like colors, sizes, styles….
  • Unlimited Live Options: Great power comes with advanced theme options. With live customizer panel, it will save tons of time with no coding required.
  • Unlimited Color Schemes: Allows you to easily pick your primary color.
  • Always up to date: Making MrBara better through every versions is our mission. MrBara will always support the latest WordPress and WooCommerce versions.
  • One-Click Import Demo Content: Start your site quickly by using our demo content. Just one click to import it.
  • Built-in Mega Menu: No extra heavy plugin to build a multi columns menu. Don’t limit your imagination.
  • WooCommerce Currency – Switch to different currencies and get their rates converted in the real time
  • Ajax Filter – Filter products by products categories, products attributes: color, size, weight… and price without needing to load the page again.
  • Translate ready: MrBara comes with a translateable template file. It will very easy to translate MrBara into your language. It also support WPML plugin in case you want to have a multi-lanuages website.
  • Product Zoom – Show a bigger size product image on mouseover.
  • Buil-in Live search: Search your products instantly and sell them quickly.
  • Reliable Support: We offer a dedicated & friendly support, regular updates and extended documentation.
  • Different Blog layouts: Grid, List and Masonry
  • Portfolio Functionality: Showcase your best works with MrBara’s portfolio grid styles and make them shine.
  • SEO Ready: We know beauty is not the only thing to make a success shop. With a valid and optimzed code will make MrBara meets the best SEO practices.
  • Product Quick View: With MrBara, your customers can quickly decide to buy your products.
  • Friendly Wishlist: Save favorite items to purchase or share with friends via social media platforms(Facebook, Pinterest, Google+ and/or Twitter).
  • WooCommerce Compare: MrBara allows you to compare more products of your shop in one complete table
  • Boxed Layout – The layout style will be applied throughout the entire site. It easy to choose to have the background be a custom image, a pattern or a solid color.
  • Order Tracking – Manage easily the status of their ordered products at all times.


Version 2.1.3
 - Updated: Domain Path in the theme and Mrbara Addons plugin - Updated: Text Domain for Mrbara Addons plugin 
Version 2.1.2
 - Update: Slider Revolution 6.7.21 - Update: WPBakery Page Builder 8.0 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 9.4.1 
Version 2.1.1
 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 9.3.2 
Version 2.1.0
 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 9.2.1 
Version 2.0.9
 - Update: Slider Revolution 6.7.15 - Update: WPBakery Page Builder 7.7.2 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 9.1.2 
Version 2.0.8
 - Update: Slider Revolution 6.7.13 - Update: WPBakery Page Builder 7.7.1 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 9.0.0 
Version 2.0.7
 - Update: Slider Revolution 6.7.6 - Update: WPBakery Page Builder 7.6 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 8.8.2 
Version 2.0.6
 - Updated: Compatible with WooCommerce 8.7.0 - Fixed: Kirki can't load the google font 
Version 2.0.5
 - Update: WPBakery Page Builder 7.4 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 8.6 
Version 2.0.4
 - Update: WPBakery Page Builder 7.3 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 8.5.1 
Version 2.0.3
 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 8.4.0. - Fixed: AJAX Add to cart doesn't work in the single product 
Version 2.0.2
 - Update: WPBakery Page Builder 7.2 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 8.2.2 - Update: Revolution Slider 6.6.18 
Version 2.0.1
 - Update: Slider Revolution 6.6.16 - Update: WPBakery Page Builder 7.0 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 8.1.1 
Version 2.0
 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 7.9.0 
Version 1.9.9
 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 7.8.0. - Update: Slider Revolution 6.6.14. - Update: WPBakery Page Builder 6.13.0. - Fix: Ajax add to cart don't update mini cart. 
Version 1.9.8
 - New: Add an option to create a new Portfolio page in Settings -> Reading -> Portfolio -> Portfolio Page. - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 7.7.0. - Update: Add a link to the Footer logo. 
Version 1.9.7
 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 7.6.1 - Update: Revolution Slider 6.6.12 - Update: WPBakery Page Builder 6.11.0 - Fix: Some minor bugs. 
Version 1.9.6
 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 7.4.0 - Update: Revolution Slider 6.6.11 - Fix: Some minor bugs. 
Version 1.9.5
 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 7.3 - Fix: Some minor bugs. 
Version 1.9.4
 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 7.2.2 - Update: Revolution Slider 6.6.8 - Fix: Some minor bugs. 
Version 1.9.3
 - Update: Compatible with WordPress 6.1.1 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 7.2.0 - Update: Revolution Slider 6.6.7 - Add: Compatible width WCBoost - Wishlist 1.0.3 - Add: Compatible width WCBoost - Products Compare 1.0.0 
Version 1.9.2
 - Update: Compatible with WordPress 6.1 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 7.0.1 
Version 1.9.1
 - Update: Compatible with WordPress 6.0.3 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 7.0.0 - Update: WPBakery Page Builder 6.10.0 - Update: Revolution Slider 6.6.4 
Version 1.9.0
 - Update: Compatible with WordPress 6.0.2 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.9.1 - Update: Revolution Slider 6.5.31 - Fix: Some minor bugs. 
Version 1.8.9
 - Update: Compatible with WordPress 5.9.3. - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.5.1 - Update: WPBakery Page Builder 6.9.0 - Update: Revolution Slider 6.5.21 
Version 1.8.8
 - Update: Compatible with WordPress 5.8.3. - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.1.1 - Update: WPBakery Page Builder 6.8.0 - Update: Revolution Slider 6.5.14 - Fix: Some minor bugs. 
Version 1.8.7
 - Update: Compatible with WordPress 5.8.1. - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 5.8.0 - Update: Revolution Slider 6.5.9 - Update: Compatible with WCBoost – Variation Swatches plugin. - Fix: Some minor bugs. 
Version 1.8.6
 - Update: Compatible with WordPress 5.8. - Update: WPBakery Page Builder 6.7.0 - Update: Revolution Slider 6.5.5 
Version 1.8.5
 - Update WPBakery Page Builder 6.6.0 - Update: Compatible with WordPress 5.7.1 - Update: Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.2.1 - Update: Revolution Slider 6.4.6 
Version 1.8.4
 - Update WPBakery Page Builder 6.5 - Update: Compatible with WordPress 5.6 - Update: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.9 - Update: Revolution Slider 6.3.5 
Version 1.8.3
 - Update WPBakery Page Builder 6.4.2 - Update: Revolution Slider 6.2.23 
Version 1.8.2
 - Update: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.4.1 - Update: Revolution Slider 6.2.21 
Version 1.8.1
 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 4.2.0 - Update WPBakery Page Builder 6.2.0 - Update: Revolution Slider 6.2.9 
Version 1.8.0
 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 4.0.0 
Version 1.7.0
 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.9.1 - Fix: Some minor bugs. 
Version 1.7.8
 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.8 
Version 1.7.7
 - Update WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.5 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.7 
Version 1.7.6
 - Update WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.2 
Version 1.7.5
 - Update: Compatible with Gutenberg 
Version 1.7.4
 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 5.6.1 
Version 1.7.3
 - Update: Compatible with WordPress 5.0 - Fix: Some minor bugs. 
Version 1.7.2
 - Update WPBakery Page Builder 5.6 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.5.1 
Version 1.7.1
 - Fix: Wrong text domain 
Version 1.7.0
 - Update WPBakery Page Builder 5.5.5 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.5.0 - Fix: Some minor bugs. 
Version 1.6.9
 - Update WPBakery Page Builder 5.5.4 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.4.4 - Fix: Some minor bugs. 
Version 1.6.8
 - Update WPBakery Page Builder 5.5.2 - Update Slider Revolution 5.4.8 - Fix: wrong image popup in the variable product. - Fix: Some minor bugs. 
Version 1.6.7
 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.4.1 
Version 1.6.6
 - Fix: Duplicate wishlist and compare icons in single product. 
Version 1.6.5
 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.4 - Fix: Some minor bugs 
Version 1.6.4
 - New: Add a step option for counter element. - New: Add a columns option for images carousel element - Fix: Can't get instagram photo in the instagram shortcode - Fix: Some minor bugs 
Version 1.6.3
 - Fix: Scroll dropdown in the checkout page - Fix: Can't get instagram photo in the instagram shortcode - Fix: Wrong cart remove url - Fix: Can't change color for the content in single page. 
Version 1.6.2
 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.3.3 
Version 1.6.1
 - Fix: Warning zero columns 
Version 1.6.0
 - Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.3.1 - Fix: Don't show upsells products 
Version 1.5.5
 - Update: Compatible WooCommerce 3.2.1 - Update: Visual Composer 5.4.2 - Update: Revolution Slider - Update: Apply Custom Out Of Stock Text in single product. - Fix: RTL for Product Tab 2 element. 
Version 1.5.4
 - New: Add About 4 use WP editor for the description. - New: Add Image caption for gallery Lightbox. - Update: Visual Composer 5.3 - Update: Add the link for team shortcode. - Update: Search form to translate search text in the theme. - Fix: Can't check Agree to the Terms and Conditions on Mobile. - Fix: Can't disable my account in the header on Mobile. 
Version 1.5.3
 - Update: Visual Composer 5.2.1 - New: Add option allow disable the breadcrumb in the product page. 
Version 1.5.2
 - New: Add options allow disable related products in the single product. - Update: Compatible WooCommerce 3.1.1. - Fix: Can't remove item cart using AJAX 
Version 1.5.1
 - Update: Visual Composer 5.2 - Fix: Some bugs about CSS 
Version 1.5.0
 - Update: Revolution Slider - Fix: Wrong the term link in checkout page. 
Version 1.4.9
 - Fix: Wrong the term HTML in checkout page. 
Version 1.4.8
 - Update: Compatible WooCommerce 3.1.0. 
Version 1.4.7
 - New: Add post format option allow disable it in single post. - Fix: Responsive logo when enter the width and the height. - Fix: Responsive video in product description. - Fix: Can't touch product image on Mobile. - Fix: Missing CSS in compare product. 
 Version 1.4.6 - New: Add new option allow enable AJAX Add To Cart button in Single Product. - New: Add new option allow disable Add To Cart button in Product Grid Layout. - Fix: Don't show featured products in some elements. 
 Version 1.4.5 - Update: Compatible WooCommerce 3.0.7 - Fix: Some bugs about RTL. - Fix: Product description doesn't work with shortcode in single product. 
 Version 1.4.4 - Update: Compatible WooCommerce 3.0.6 - Fix: Some bugs about RTL. - Fix: Some bugs about CSS on mobile. 
 Version 1.4.3 - Fix: Paragraph Formatting description in single product. - Fix: Product image doesn't change when select a variation. 
 Version 1.4.2 - Update: Compatible Woothumbs plugin. - Fix: RTL Product Tab 2 
 Version 1.4.1 - Update: Revolution Slider - Update: Product Gallery, Product Thumbnails Slider. - Fix: The description of product category is cut. - Fix: Some bugs about CSS. 
 Version 1.4.0 - Add: columns and category options for team element. - Fix: error in checkout template. - Fix: The link of icon cart doesn't work. - Fix: Some bugs about CSS. 
 Version 1.3.9 - Update: Compatible WooCommerce 3.0.3 - Fix: Some bugs about CSS. 
Version 1.3.8
 - Update: Visual Composer 5.1.1 - Update: Compatible WooCommerce 3.0.1 - Fix: Some bugs about RTL. 
Version 1.3.7
 - New: Add new a footer allow select 6 columns - Fix: Product Category page doesn't work with shop list layout. - Fix: Remove Product Zoom in product page layout 7 
Version 1.3.6
 - New: Add AJAX remove product item in mini cart. - New: Add a new option to show product category in Appearance > Customize > Woocommerce > Show Category Description - Update: Visual Composer 5.1 - Update: Revolution Slider 5.4.1 - Fix: Add custom logo for page. 
Version 1.3.5
 - New: Add new option allow disable images size that don't use in Appearance > Customize > General > Image Sizes - Fix: Missing some font icons - Fix: Can't click attribute swatch in product grid layout 10 after loading ajax - Fix: Wrong portfolio masonry when having many items - Fix: Can't change product grid layout in single post - Fix: Some bugs about CSS. 
Version 1.3.4
 - Fix: Hidden Share Text If disable all social icons in product page. - Fix: Search products by category. - Fix: Responsive the content with header left. - Fix: Show product extra for all product page layouts. - Fix: Can't disable product zoom in the quickview 
Version 1.3.3
 - New: Add custom page header for product page. - Fix: Can't select product category in some elements. - Fix: Don't show Google Map if enter the width of this element. - Fix: Some bugs about CSS in Safari. 
Version 1.3.2
 - New: Add Banners Slider for Category Box 2 element. - Update: Remove pagination in Product Tabs Style 5 element. - New: Some bugs about CSS. 
Version 1.3.1
 - New: Support RTL - New: Add new option to display newsletter after how many seconds. - New: Add share to post, product, portfolio 
Version 1.3
 - New: Add Home Marketplace 3. - New: Add Home Book 2. - New: Top Promotion layout 2. - New: Add to footer socials. - Fix: Error sticky header layout 11. - Fix: Some bugs about CSS. 
Version 1.2.2
 - New: Add video to product gallery. - New: Add Carousel for related products. - New: Add label for image swatches in the product page. - Fix: Error style when click filter attributes in shop page. - Fix: Error scroll of product layout 4. - Fix: Some bugs about CSS. 
Version 1.2.1
 - New: Add custom font in customizer. - New: Add a new option to disable/enable share socials. - New: Show gallery in lightbox for all product page layouts. - New: Add a new option allow assign the link to slider in MrBara Slider element. 
Version 1.2
 - New: Add Home Marketplace 1 demo content. - New: Add Home Marketplace 2 demo content. - New: Add Header top layout 12. - New: Add new style for Categories menu. - New: Add a new option allow choose categories menu items is open or close on the homepage. - New: Add a new option allow show categories menu items is a click or hover. - New: Add a new option allow display mini cart buttons in multiple lines. - New: Add Product Category Box element. - New: Add Product Category Box 2 element. - New: Add new style for Products Tabs element. - New: Add new style for Image Carousel element. - New: Add a new option to show for the excerpt for MrBara Posts element. - New: Add a new option to show dark skin for MrBara Info Banner element. - Fix: Show date format of the post by date format of system. - Fix: Use Logo Transparent option to show logo in my account layout 2, 404 page. - Fix: Don't show Settings button to show the mega menu panel. 
Version 1.1.3
 - New: Add product images carousel for product layout 10 - New: Add sticky content for product layout 3, 7 and 11 - Update: Allow shows the content instead of the excerpt in product layout. - Update: Increase the width and height of logo for all header layouts. - Fix: Can't search Ajax products by SKU with product variation. 
Version 1.1.2
 - New: Add Ajax products search by SKU. - New: Add a new option allow disable secondary product thumbnail when hover over the main product image. - New: Add options allow change text of search form and product categories in header. - Update: Increase the width and height of logo in header layout 9 - Fix: Hot deal product element doesn't work with product variation. - Fix: Hot deal product element can't change currency. 
Version 1.1.1
 - New: Add a new option allow custom preloader color. - New: Add a new option allow enter custom javascript. - New: Add a new option allow disable SKU, categories, tags, share in the product page. - New: Add page header setting for all product page layout. - Fix: Don't show cross-sells a product in cart page. - Fix: Logo doesn't change in stick header layout 10 - Fix: Responsive the top bar on the shop page. 
Version 1.1.0
 - New: Add Home Tech V4 - New: Add Home Book - New: Add Header Top Layout 11 - New: Add Promotion on top page - New: Add Footer Links option allow enter custom link in footer layout 8 - New: Add a new option allow disable product zoom in the product page. - Fix: Can't translate language in the backend. 
Version 1.0.3
 - New: Add new custom badges text for products. - New: Add a new option in Product Detail element to show a product quick view - Update: Visual Composer 5.0.1 - Fix: Can't add a new menu. 
Version 1.0.2
 - New: Add new an option to disable the top bar on mobile - New: Add new options to change the text of badges such as hot, new, sale and out of stock. - Update: Update color and label Variations swatches for all product page layouts. - Fix: Can't change shop layout when setting the shop page is the homepage. - Fix: Missing custom layout images in pages. - Fix: Missing CSS when switch grid and list view and enable categories filter on the shop page. - Fix: Some bugs about CSS 
Version 1.0.1
 - Update: Add new option allow to disable responsively. - Update: Add new option allow to change 2 columns for product page on mobile. - Fix: Can't change color scheme when using the child theme. - Fix: Missing custom layout images in pages. - Fix: Missing CSS product widgets in the footer. 
Version 1.0
 - Initial 
The latest version of this WordPress item MrBara has been updated to 2.1.2 on 2024-11-20 17:30:34.

# Server Resource Title Uploaded at Download
1 T Mr.Bara v2.0.6 - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce Theme 31 March 2024
2 T Mr.Bara v2.0.2 - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce Theme 04 December 2023
3 T Mr.Bara v1.9.7 - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce Theme 05 May 2023
4 T Mr.Bara v1.9.6 - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce Theme 02 March 2023
5 T Mr.Bara v1.9.5 - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce Theme 19 January 2023
6 T Mr.Bara v1.9.3 - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce Theme 23 December 2022
7 T Mr.Bara v1.9.2 - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce Theme 06 November 2022
8 T Mr.Bara v1.9.1 - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce Theme 21 October 2022
9 T Mr.Bara v1.9.0 - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce Theme 17 September 2022
10 T Mr.Bara v1.8.9 - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce Theme 19 May 2022
11 T Mr.Bara v1.8.3 - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce Theme 27 November 2020
12 T Mr.Bara v1.8.1 - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce Theme 14 May 2020
13 T Mr.Bara v1.8.0 - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce Theme 14 March 2020
14 T Mr.Bara v1.7.9 - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce Theme 12 February 2020
15 T Mr.Bara v1.7.8 - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce Theme 08 December 2019

Notice: provide the latest version of Mr.Bara - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce WordPress Theme. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy Mr.Bara - Responsive Multi-Purpose eCommerce WordPress Theme from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.


A website enthusiast who loves various themes and templates, enjoys exploring all sorts of new and interesting things on the internet. I may not be a professional, but I am still passionate about providing everyone with various free, trendy tools and sharing my own ideas. I hope you all like it here.

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