PhotoHall Responsive Photography Blogger Theme (item ID: 17130504) is an item from themeforest.net in category blogging. This is a premium item and their price is $19 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author Or-themes sold about 59 items from the release date 2016-08-23. PhotoHall Responsive Photography Blogger Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 12 user(s) rated it with 5 stars. Now, you can free download PhotoHall Responsive Photography Blogger Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
PhotoHall is a responsive photography blogger theme. It’s the best choice for your blog if you are a photographer. You can use it to show your inspiration and creativity and abilities for capturing photos and use it as your awesome portfolio.
January 19, 2025 – v2.7
+ Updated FontAwesome Icons to v6.7.2
Mobile-Friendly Test by Google Here
Structured Data Test by Google Here
Theme Rating
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Theme Features
PhotoHall is fully responsive to work fine on all devices including ( Desktop PCs, Laptops, Tablets and Smartphones ).
PhotoHall has Default, Compact Header and Infinite Scroll layout styles. Also it has 3 positional styles for cookies bar.
PhotoHall uses FontAwesome CSS icons to be able to use several free retina ready icons with just simple code.
PhotoHall is based on Bootstrap library which gives the most suitable typography concept through the entire web.
PhotoHall uses Owl Carousel jQuery plugin in several parts including Home Page Slider and one of grid posts view.
PhotoHall is a Two columns theme which features the grid view built on Masonry Grid jQuery plugin.
PhotoHall Documentation is highly condensed that explains every part of the theme. Also there are tools to help you create some of theme content.
PhotoHall has five Styles for Post Images in Index pages which are ( Slider, Gallery Big, Medium, Small, Tall and Default Single Image ). You can choose any of them to your post and you can control the number of images to be shown for each style. All posts images have a Light Box nice pop up style.
Photohall supports Youtube videos images. If your post doesn’t have images and have a Youtube video, the Youtube video image will be picked up automatically.
PhotoHall has a Sticky Navigation on scroll, Drop Down with two levels and Mega Menu to show posts with a label of your choice. You can use Drop Down and Mega Menu as many times as you need.
PhotoHall has plugin that lets you to put your social pages inside the traditional Blogger Link List gadget to show social icons.
PhotoHall has Pages Numbering that you can customize Number of Posts, pages and Previous and Next Text.
PhotoHall has an integrated, fast and simple Error 404 Page. Also you can edit the page if you know the HTML & CSS basics.
PhotoHall has Three Posts Layouts ( Post with Left Sidebar, Post with Right Sidebar, Post without Sidebar and Post with Full Width Title which you use with any of the other layouts ). Sidebar will show Blogger Ads, Author Box and Related Posts and Other Blogger Gadgets you need to Add.
PhotoHall has a nice hand picked set of short codes with flat style. All these short codes in the demo are being explained inside the Documentation. In addition you can use the other full Bootstrap Short Codes.
PhotoHall is SEO optimized and Ads Ready as you can put your ads every where and in between Grid Posts.
Photohall has a fully correctly added structured data that will enhance your blog search results in all search engines.
PhotoHall Supports the major web Browsers Including ( IE10+, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari, Edge ).
PhotoHall supports the Blogger Theme Designer to be able to change Font, Color and Background of the theme.
Theme Used Assets
I have used the following assets
- jQuery 1.12.4 by jQuery Foundation
- Ajax Featured Posts jQuery Plugin 1.5 by ar-themes
- Font-Awesome CSS 6.7.2
- Bootstrap 3.4.1 by @mdo and @fat
- jQuery OwlCarousel 1.3.2 by Bartosz Wojciechowski
- Images Loaded 4.1.4 by desandro
- Masonry 4.2.2 by desandro
- Colorbox 1.6.4 by jacklmoore
- jquery-match-height 0.7.0 by Liam Brummitt
- Infinite Scroll 2.1.0 by Paul Irish & Luke Shumard
Theme Demo Font
The font used inside the demo theme is “Play” font and it’s a part of blogger free fonts. You will be able to change the font so easily from the blogger theme designer and choose between many of free fonts.
Theme Demo Images
I have used the images for the demo from unsplash.com and they aren’t included in theme files.
Change Log
January 19, 2025 - v2.7 + Updated FontAwesome Icons to v6.7.2 August 10, 2022 - v2.6 + Fixed sharing posts URLs issue March 23, 2022 - v2.5 + Updated thumbanils to work fine with the new Blogger images URLs December 6, 2021 - v2.4 + Added more texts translations + Added options to enable or disable colorbox December 5, 2021 - v2.3 + Fixed infinite scroll reported issue October 17, 2021 - v2.2 + Fixed images resizing issue of grid posts + Updated documentation to meet the new Blogger gadgets design June 2, 2021 - v2.1 + Updated documentation to meet the new Blogger gadgets design September 27, 2020 - v2.0 + Upgraded theme XML to the new Blogger V3 API + Upgraded comments system and comment form design to the new Blogger V3 API + Updated theme layout design + Added more posts social sharing icons + Fixed all possible W3 validator warnings and errors + Updated Bootstrap to the latest version + Updated headers for a better SEO optimization + Fixed reported issues including and not limited to (post without an image - meta open graph - meta twitter card) January 14, 2019 – v1.5 + Added new Theme style + Updated Theme codes and scripts for better performance + YouTube videos will open when thumb clicked in grid posts + Fixed reported issues including and not limited to (comments styles – labels – posts layout - structured data) April 7, 2017 - v1.4 + Added Youtube videos images support + Added new location styles for cookies bar + All styles merged in on file + Minor fixes for widgets code of blogger new updates + Fixed reported issues including and not limited to (quotes in posts titles - mega menu issues - mobile menu issues - structured data) February 10, 2017 - v1.3 + Added new infinite scroll style + Font-Awesome updated to latest version + Related posts fixes September 28, 2016 - v1.2 + Added new header style September 19, 2016 - v1.1 + Added Gadgets to Sidebar September 9, 2016 - v1.0.1 + Removed HTTPS Forcing August 23, 2016 - v1.0.0 + Initial Release
# | Server | Resource Title | Uploaded at | Download |
1 | T | PhotoHall v2.4 - Responsive Photography Blogger Theme | 08 March 2022 | |
2 | T | PhotoHall v2.0 - Responsive Photography Blogger Theme | 02 February 2021 |
1.Pehit.com provide the latest version of PhotoHall Responsive Photography Blogger Theme. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy PhotoHall Responsive Photography Blogger Theme from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.