DiveIt - Scuba Diving School Travel WordPress Theme (item ID: 16978449) is an item from themeforest.net in category wordpress. DiveIt - Multipurpose and Multiskin Responsive Wordpress theme This is a premium item and their price is $69 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author AncoraThemes sold about 515 items from the release date 2016-12-04. DiveIt - Scuba Diving School Travel WordPress Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 18 user(s) rated it with 4.61 stars. Now, you can free download DiveIt - Scuba Diving School Travel WordPress Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
Modern Scuba Diving School WordPress Theme 1.4.2
DiveIt Scuba Diving School WordPress Theme has contemporary & functional design. It is created specifically for Scuba Diving School, Lessons, Courses and Center. With lots of customizable features, the theme will be an ideal solution for any outdoors activities related website. The theme can be interesting for sea adventure agency, providing diving, snorkeling, surfing or hiking activities.
Scuba Diving School WordPress Theme features
- Online Appointments booking
- Appointments management
- Premade diving courses, products, services & instructors
- Contact Forms & Events Management
- Full Woocommerce store compatibility
- Beautiful gallery & Instragram feed
Scuba Diving WordPress Theme plugins
DiveIt is fully compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce to allow you create online store for scuba diving equipment or establish rental service.
The theme has an intuitive visual interface and informative layout that looks wonderful on any platform, since it’s fully responsive and Retina ready. DiveIt is compatible with a bundle of premium plugins: WooCommerce, Revolution Slider, Essential Grid & WPBakery Page Builder to make it easy for you to setup and manage your Scuba Diving School website.
Our users’ reviews
DiveIt – Scuba Diving Key Features
- Modern and Functional design
- Easy to install, run and update!
- Modern, Flexible, Customizable!
- WordPress 4.0+ Tested and Approved!
- Built with valid HTML5 and CSS3 code
- Cross-Browser Compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE11+
- One-Click demo install
- Layout Features:
- Boxed and Wide pages layouts
- WPBakery Page Builder support – create unlimited variants of Homepage Layouts
- Different Header Styles
- Many awesome Hover Effects
- Fully Responsive Layout
- Enable/Disable Retina Option
- Slider Options:
- Includes Swiper Slider for posts and galleries
- Includes Revolution Slider as Home slider
- Navigation Options:
- User menu and Main menu support
- Main menu slider
- Awesome CSS3/jQuery animation effects
- Powerful Framework:
- Setting Inheritance and Override System
- Shortcode Builder
- WPBakery Page Builder
- Custom Theme Options Panel
- Media Content Manager
- WooCommerce Ready
- Optimized for best performance
- ...and many more!
- Plugins Compatibility:
- Sliders: Swiper Slider, Revolution Slider
- WPBakery Page Builder
- Essential Grid
- WooCommerce
- Custom Widgets Set:
- Flickr
- Popular Posts
- Recent Posts
- Recent Reviews
- Top 10
- Advertisment
- Logo
- Social Icons
- King Size Shortcodes Pack
- Blogger
- Content Slider
- Skills
- Custom Shortcodes:
- Blogger
- Lense
- Content Slider
- Video List
- Skills
- eMailer
- Timeline
- Scroller
- A lot of Shortcodes included:
- Accordion
- Button
- Columns
- Google Map
- Hide
- Highlight
- Section
- Table
- Tabs
- Team
- Testimonials
- Title
- Tooltip
- Toggle
- and more ?
- Interactive Ajax Search mechanism
- Two variants of icon display: Fontello Icon set and Images Icons
- Google web fonts
- Performance Optimization
- Great Professional Support
- Documentation included
- Regular Updates
- And many more that we might have forgotten to mention?
All images are copyrighted to their respective owners. Images used in live preview are not included in the template.
Google FontsChange log
28.11.2024 Version 1.4.2 – Update
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.6.2x has been improved; - Theme styles have been improved
30.07.2024 Version 1.4.1 – Update
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.5.5x has been improved; - elegro Crypto Payment plugin; - All plugins have been updated to their latest versions
25.03.2024 Version 1.4.0 – Update
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.4.3x has been improved; - QuickCal plugin; - Booked plugin
13.10.2023 Version 1.3.9 – Update
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.3.1x has been improved; - TikTok Icons; - Compatibility with QuickCal plugin; - Theme styles have been improved
28.04.2023 Version 1.3.8 – Update
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.2x has been improved; - Theme styles have been improved; - All plugins have been updated to their latest versions
17.03.2023 Version 1.3.7 – Update
- EssGrid 3.0.17+ compatibility; - All plugins have been updated to their latest versions
30.09.2022 Version 1.3.6 – Update
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.0x has been improved; - Compatibility with PHP 8.1 has been improved; - Theme styles have been improved; - All plugins have been updated to their latest versions
30.06.2022 Version 1.3.5 – Update
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.0 has been improved; - Compatibility with PHP 8.1 has been improved; - Smash Balloon Instagram Feed has been added; - Theme styles have been improved; - All plugins have been updated to their latest versions
11.02.2022 Version 1.3.4 – Update
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.9x has been improved; - Compatibility with PHP 8.1 has been improved; - Theme styles have been improved; - All plugins have been updated to their latest versions
23.10.2020 Version 1.3.3 – Update
- Theme styles have been improved; - All plugins have been updated to their latest versions
31.08.2020 Version 1.3.2 – Update
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.5x has been improved; - Compatibility with PHP 7.4 has been improved; - Likes and views counters have been moved to ThemeREX Utils plugin; - Custom functions have been replaced with WP function; - Theme styles have been improved; - All plugins have been updated to their latest versions
12.06.2020 Version – Update
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.4x has been improved; - Theme styles have been improved; - All plugins have been updated to their latest versions
15.04.2020 Version – Update
- Compatibility with PHP 7.3 has been improved; - Theme styles have been improved; - All plugins have been updated to their latest versions
27.01.2020 Version 1.3.1 – Update
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.3x is improved; - Compatibility Elegro Crypto Payment is added; - Theme styles are improved; - All plugins are updated to their latest versions
21.05.2019 Version 1.3 – Update
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.1x is added; - Compatibility with PHP 7.3 is improved; - JS libraries are updated; - Theme styles are improved; - All plugins are updated to their latest versions
27.11.2018 Version 1.2 – Update
- WP GDPR Compliance plugin - Checkboxes to default contact forms are added, to make forms GDPR-compliant; - Alert for demo data installation is added; - Gutenberg compatibility is added; - Mobile style of The Events Calendar is fixed; - All plugins are updated to their latest versions; - Theme options, widgets, and shortcodes are moved to Themerex Utilities plugin
03.05.2017 Version 1.1 – Update
- WooCommerce 3.0+ compatibility is added; - All plugins are updated;
04.12.2016 Version 1.0 – Release
# | Server | Resource Title | Uploaded at | Download |
1 | T | DiveIt v1.3.7 - Scuba Diving School, Sea Adventure & Travel WordPress Theme | 17 March 2023 | |
2 | T | DiveIt v1.3.5 - Scuba Diving School, Sea Adventure & Travel WordPress Theme | 03 July 2022 | |
3 | T | DiveIt v1.3.4 - Scuba Diving School, Sea Adventure & Travel WordPress Theme | 13 February 2022 | |
4 | T | DiveIt v1.3.3 - Scuba Diving School, Sea Adventure & Travel WordPress Theme | 26 October 2020 | |
5 | T | DiveIt v1.3.2 - Scuba Diving School, Sea Adventure & Travel WordPress Theme | 02 September 2020 | |
6 | T | DiveIt v1.3.1 - Scuba Diving School, Sea Adventure & Travel WordPress Theme | 29 January 2020 | |
7 | T | DiveIt v1.3 - Scuba Diving School, Sea Adventure & Travel WordPress Theme | 01 October 2019 |
1.Pehit.com provide the latest version of DiveIt - Scuba Diving School Travel WordPress Theme. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy DiveIt - Scuba Diving School Travel WordPress Theme from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.