Care – Multi-Niche WordPress Theme for Small Business (item ID: 15860229) is an item from in category wordpress. Based on extensive research into small business niche, we have developed a range of first-class features that will make your saving you time and delivering great results. Why use CARE resume to make your website? Weve researched small business and entrepeneurs needs Based on extensive research into entrepeneur niches we wanted to create a best in class theme for your business with every element carefully considered, saving you time and delivering great results. Care Tutoring if you starting tutoring business and need to present your knowledge online we have developed a range of first class features. Care Nurse you could easy show services you offer, certificates, work experience, upload you cv, show testimonials and much more to make client get to know you better. Care Childcare or Nannie list your skills and talents, make it pop with photos, working history and morehow your clients could get you know better. Care Nutritionist you can easy make presentation of your knowledge about food and dieting using specially designed features with Care template. Care Pet Sitting or Dog Walker if you are trained, licensed and certified pet sitter. This is a premium item and their price is $34 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author Aislin sold about 285 items from the release date 2016-06-21. Care – Multi-Niche WordPress Theme for Small Business enjoys sound reputation, so 7 user(s) rated it with 5 stars. Now, you can free download Care – Multi-Niche WordPress Theme for Small Business in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
Why use CARE resume to make your website?
· We’ve researched small business and entrepeneurs needs – Based on extensive research into entrepeneur niches we wanted to create a best in class theme for your business with every element carefully considered, saving you time and delivering great results.
· Care Nurse – you could easy show services you offer, certificates, work experience, upload you cv, show testimonials and much more to make client get to know you better.
· Care Childcare or Nannie – list your skills and talents, make it pop with photos, working history and more…how your clients could get you know better.
· Care Nutritionist – you can easy make presentation of your knowledge about food and dieting using specially designed features with Care template.
· Care Pet Sitting or Dog Walker – if you are trained, licensed and certified pet sitter
A website enthusiast who loves various themes and templates, enjoys exploring all sorts of new and interesting things on the internet. I may not be a professional, but I am still passionate about providing everyone with various free, trendy tools and sharing my own ideas. I hope you all like it here.