MusicPress - A Timeless Audio Theme (item ID: 1582368) is an item from themeforest.net in category wordpress. Music Pro is a music oriented wordpress theme, perfect for a band, a label, or a webzine. It can be used for any other purpose as well. This theme supports a 3 levels main menu and a simple top menu. It includes 10 custom widgets: twitter feed, custom tabs widgets, last reviews widget, last review widget, last product widget, popular post widget (by number of comments), review taxonomy widget, store taxonomy widget, video widget etc.... This theme also includes 3 inbuilt plugins: a playlist manager, an albums/galleries manager and a sliders manager. With this theme you can create unlimited sidebars and widgetareas. The unbranded admin panel includes a "theme options" panel to switch between 4 skins , upload background, logos etc.. and change the style of your website with color pickers. You can also set up many options in it. This theme supports 8 post formats and has a custom text editor for it. This is a premium item and their price is $39 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author Wolf-Themes sold about 4118 items from the release date 2012-02-14. MusicPress - A Timeless Audio Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 374 user(s) rated it with 4.49 stars. Now, you can free download MusicPress - A Timeless Audio Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
Music Pro is a music oriented wordpress theme, perfect for a band, a label, or a webzine. It is fully customizable, easy to use and well documented. It can be used for any other purpose as well. It is fully cusomizable and fit to any device, from very wide desktop screens to small smartphones.
Any playlist can be embed anywhere: example here
“WolfThemes makes the best WordPress templates for music I’ve ever seen. The built-in features are far above the competition. Clear and well-documented, the code is simple to modify. And the support is outstanding.”
— Bill Evans, executive producer and manager, Flying Colors
Want to showcase your website here? Submit it to [email protected]
The theme can be enhanced with 4 advanced Wordpress plugins
- Wolf Socials — A plugin to display your social profiles.
- Wolf Music Network — Display your music social network links anywhere.
- Wolf Shortcodes — Generate shortcodes easily: buttons, columns, tabs, accordion etc..
- Wolf Gram — Display your Instagram photos within a gallery or a widget.
- User friendly — easy to use!
- Translation Ready — Contains .po and .mo files for translation
- Fully Responsive
- 3 premade skins — dark, light or grunge & 2 different layouts — full width or wrapped
- Fully Customizable — upload your backgrounds, logos, change fonts, change the colors with color pickers, modify many options etc…
- Multiple Playlists — pumped jPlayer, with playlists manager & song uploader
- Store — Complete paypal integration (paypal cart system)
- Discography page
- Review post type — With rating system
- Show Dates
- 3 Home Page Sliders (Nivo Slider, CarouFredSel – full width & piecemaker – 3D) — with image uploader and thumbnail re-crop feature
- Photo Galleries + Album template — using WP 3.5 media/gallery feature
- Video Gallery — support youtube, vimeo & dailymotion
- Video thumbnails — automatically generated for video post format and video gallery.
- 8 Post Formats for your blog — standard, audio, video, image, gallery, link, quote, aside
- Top bar custom message — jQuery
- Social Share buttons feature — facebook, twitter, google+, & pinterest — meta automatically generated if you want to .
- Contact form — ready to use, with jQuery validation and antispam.
- Shortcodes — with custom editor button to generate them
- Choose & built your Homepage easily:
- Choose your home page header as slider, video, static image , any html/embed/shortcode, or no header
- Built it with shortcodes : last albums, last videos & last tweet etc…
- SEO feature — can be disabled if you’re using a third-party plugin
- Unlimited sidebars, unlimited widget areas — to widgetize any page.
- Infinite levels drop-down menu
- Blog Archive template
- 14 Custom Widgets
- Instagram — with BdGram Plugin
- Social widget — with Bd Socials Plugin
- Last Shows
- Last Photos
- Last Releases
- Last Reviews
- Last Store Item
- Recent/popular posts with thumbnails — for any post type
- Last comments with avatars
- Custom tabs — last posts / popular posts / last comments
- Video
- Flickr
- Facebook fanbox
- Complete Documentation with screenshots.
- Automatically create the main pages on theme installation.
- Built on the BrutalDesign Framework, freakin’ clean, solid and respectfull of Wordpress standards.
- Demo XML file included
- Support: I do my best to answer to all support requests. Support forum available
update logs
Stay Tuned
Soundcloud player : Illegal Generation
Photos are included in the theme and are under Creative Commons licence.
# | Server | Resource Title | Uploaded at | Download |
1 | T | MusicPress v3.3.1 - A Timeless Audio Theme | 13 February 2020 |
1.Pehit.com provide the latest version of MusicPress - A Timeless Audio Theme. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy MusicPress - A Timeless Audio Theme from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.