Nord - Minimal and Clean WordPress Personal Blog Theme (item ID: 13281320) is an item from themeforest.net in category wordpress. Nord is a minimal and clean Wordpress blog theme. This theme is a content-focused, so perfect for a personal blog. A good choice for travelers, writers, artists, photographers, designers and creative people. Nord has a minimalistic layout that focuses on simplicity and readability. Easy installation allows you to start post blogs immediately after the activation. Theme supported Customizer which allows you to customize and change design of your blog. Nord is 100% responsive built with HTML5 & CSS3, it's SEO friendly, mobile optimized & retina ready. This is a premium item and their price is $19 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author NordStudio sold about 472 items from the release date 2015-12-14. Nord - Minimal and Clean WordPress Personal Blog Theme enjoys sound reputation, so 9 user(s) rated it with 4.89 stars. Now, you can free download Nord - Minimal and Clean WordPress Personal Blog Theme in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
Click to see DocumentationDescription
Nord is a minimalist, simple and creative Wordpress blog theme. This theme is a content-focused, so perfect for a personal blog. Design based on a boxed layout, has a vertical hidden menu (sidebar) and customizable unlimited colors. Nord very flexible & customizable, SEO friendly, responsive & retina ready.
Tags: black background, portfolio, dark, photo gallery, video, education, travel, tourism, adventure, photography, big, text only, business, marketing, nature, one column, music, band, news, architecture, striking, unusual, golden ratio, unique, horizontal navigation, sport, fitness, gym, bodybuilding, gear, car, interior, rock, technology, tech, building
- Minimal & Clean Design
- Content-focused
- Easy Installation & Setup
- Off-canvas Sidebar
- Fully Responsive
- SEO Friendly
- Theme Customizer Support
- Unlimited Colors
- Custom Background
- Custom Header Image & Logo
- Post Formats (gallery, video)
- Share buttons
- Localization Ready
- Extensive Documentation
- Retina Ready
- Wordpress 6.2 Ready
- Galleries
- Instagram Widget
- Advanced Recent Posts Widget
- Numeric Pagination
- Well organized, commented & clean code
- Valid HTML5 / CSS3 code
- Child Theme Support
- Crossbrowser Compatible
21.01.2025 – v 1.4.4
* Updated social buttons plugin * Updated icon pack * Added new social follow buttons * Page speed optimization * Updated JS and CSS libraries * Bug fixes.
11.06.2023 – v 1.4.3
* PHP 8 compatible.
28.07.2021 – v 1.4.2
* Restored classic widget manager * Bug fixes.
29.10.2020 – v 1.4.1
* Improved theme code to comply with new WordPress standards * Improvements in design and typography. * Page speed optimization * Updated JS and CSS libraries * Bug fixes.
13.01.2020 – v 1.4
* Removed Nord Istagram Feed plugin. This plugin is no longer supported and is recommended for removal * Added Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed (Instagram) plugin * Minor design and layout changes * Typography improvements * Page speed optimization * Updated CSS and JQuery plugins * Bug fixes
30.12.2018 – v 1.3
* Compatible with the WordPress 5.0 * Gutenberg optimized * Instagram widget now moved to a plugin * Recent Posts width Thumbnails widget now moved to a plugin * Share buttons now moved to a plugin * Typography improvements * Updated CSS and JQuery plugins * Page speed optimization * Bug fixes * Updated Documentation
15.03.2018 – v 1.2.1
* Bug fixes.
21.08.2017 – v 1.2
* Added new Customizer options * Updated JQuery libraties * Added author social buttons * Page speed optimization * Bug fixes.
16.02.2017 – v 1.1.2
* Added new icons pack (Font Awesome instead Entypo) * Added new social profiles * Small improvements of design and typography.
23.02.2016 – v 1.1
More Customizer options. Minor code and css fixes. Two new gallery types Two new share buttons: LinkedIn & Google Plus
14.12.2015 – v 1.0
First Release
- Unsplash
- Tookapic
- Death To The Stock Photo
- Oliur
- Racorn
- Montserrat
- Lora
- FitVids
- Owl Carousel
Banner vector created by Freepik
# | Server | Resource Title | Uploaded at | Download |
1 | T | Nord v1.4.3 - Simple, Minimal and Clean WordPress | 10 June 2023 | |
2 | T | Nord v1.4 - Simple, Minimal and Clean WordPress | 09 July 2020 | |
3 | T | Nord v1.3 - Simple, Minimal and Clean WordPress | 25 January 2019 |
1.Pehit.com provide the latest version of Nord - Minimal and Clean WordPress Personal Blog Theme. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy Nord - Minimal and Clean WordPress Personal Blog Theme from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.