
Recibo v1.3.6 - Restaurant / Food / Cook WordPress Theme

Recibo - Restaurant WordPress (item ID: 12025238) is an item from in category wordpress. Recibo Wordpress Theme This is a premium item and their price is $49 with regular license. According to some statistics, the author GoodLayers sold about 779 items from the release date 2015-07-16. Recibo - Restaurant WordPress enjoys sound reputation, so 30 user(s) rated it with 4.5 stars. Now, you can free download Recibo - Restaurant WordPress in Pehit. Remember this item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.


Recibo – Responsive Restaurant WordPress Theme is the best WordPress theme for Restaurant, Bar, Cooking, Cooking Blog, Bakery, Food Recipe, Winery websites. It comes with necessary features such as Food post type, Food menu, Personnel for list chefs, Reservation form(also support Open Table plugin). This theme is special than many other restaurant themes in the marketplace. It has food single post that allow you to fill information for each foods. For example, ingredients listing, cooking period, cooking level, rating. You can also put food recipes if you’d like. However, if you don’t want to food single post, you can disable it easily in admin panel as well. Recibo comes with GoodLayers page builder. It’s a powerful tool to allow you to create pages using drag-drop ability.

Master Slider is also included in this theme. It allows you to manage slider’s elements easily using its drag drop ability and you can also use its timeline ability to control transition period.

Overall Features

- Food Post Type
- 3 Food Layouts
- Open Table Reservation Plugin Supported
- The Event Calendar Plugin Supported
- WPML Plugin Supported
- Custom WooCoommerce Product Layouts
- Page Builder
- Free $19 Value Master Slider
- Full-screen slider, Full-width slider, Boxed slider
- Social link in header
- GoodLayers Importer – With just few steps, you can turn your site to be like demo site. We have a step by step video to teach you.
- Page Builder Setting Shortcut Button – With only one click, you can have page builder setting like homepage, homepage red, homepage gold, contact page, reservation page, about us page. - Parallax/Color Section – You can have parallax background in your desired section. You can also set parallax speed or have it fixed as well.
- Landing Page Template – options to disable header, footer or both of it.
- Unlimited Color – You can turn your site to anything you need with color options. You can change almost every color elements.
- Awesome Shortcodes – We integrated a lot of useful shortcodes which will surely empower your website.
- Customizable skin for each parallax/color section – When using parallax section, you might need to change font color or link color in it. You are allowed to create custom skin via admin panel and assign to parallax section easily.
- Sidebar size customizable – You can set the width of sidebar easily via admin panel. We have 5 options for you. 16%, 25%, 33%, 41%, 50%. And 25%, 33% for both sidebar layout.
- Scalable Container – You can set any width in pixel to your site.
- Floating Navigation
- Boxed/Full Width Layout
- WooCommerce Friendly – We turn many woocommerce’s elements into minimal, modern design.
- Mega Menu – With our built-in mega menu, you don’t need to buy plugin for it anymore.
- Fully Responsive – This theme looks and works flawlessly across major phones and tablets.
- Post Format
- Google Font
- Unlimited Sidebar
- Font Uploader
- Theme Customizer
- Retina Ready
- Font Awesome
- Optimized Code & SEO
- Shortcode Generator
- Testimonial
- 3 Food Layouts – List, Modern, Grid
- 4 Blog Styles – Column, Medium, Full, Masonry

Premium Support

Not only well-document that you get after purchasing our theme but you will also be able to access our support website. Support part is the most important thing for us. We always try our best to serve customers and make sure they are happy with our product. Apart from theme’s quality, this is why so many customers come back for us )” title=” :)” />


Blow are assets used in demo site, other than this are purchased from ,
 icon - 

Images in preview site are not included in theme package!

Need support?

First of all, Thanks so much for purchased our items We’re really appreciated it and hope you enjoy it! If you need support, all support will be conducted through this website > . We usually get back to you within 14hours. (except holiday seasons which might take longer).

View Changelog

The latest version of this WordPress item Recibo has been updated to 1.3.9 on 2024-10-12 02:36:45.

# Server Resource Title Uploaded at Download
1 T Recibo v1.3.6 - Restaurant / Food / Cook WordPress Theme 29 November 2022
2 T Recibo v1.3.3 - Restaurant / Food / Cook WordPress Theme 17 August 2021
3 T Recibo v1.3.1 - Restaurant / Food / Cook WordPress Theme 02 February 2021
4 T Recibo v1.3.0 - Restaurant / Food / Cook WordPress Theme 17 November 2020
5 T Recibo v1.2.3 - Restaurant / Food / Cook WordPress Theme 08 August 2019
6 T Recibo v1.2.2 - Restaurant / Food / Cook WordPress Theme 01 May 2019
7 T Recibo v1.2.1 - Restaurant / Food / Cook WordPress Theme 04 April 2019

Notice: provide the latest version of Recibo - Restaurant WordPress. Even though it is impossible to guarantee that all items here contain nulled version or purchased code. We do not undertake any technology and copyright issues, there is no obligation to provide any technical support.
2.This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use. We will try to avoid the virus and keep the items pure. We will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.
3.We highly recommend to buy Recibo - Restaurant WordPress from the official site. In addition to a full range of services, you may avoid any security issues.


A website enthusiast who loves various themes and templates, enjoys exploring all sorts of new and interesting things on the internet. I may not be a professional, but I am still passionate about providing everyone with various free, trendy tools and sharing my own ideas. I hope you all like it here.

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